Dear Manuel,
We have come to Birmingham this week with a very clear message: the challenges facing Britain today - a war in Afghanistan, huge national debts at home, public services that desperately need change, social breakdown - require the whole country to pull together to meet them.
Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have formed a government which puts the national interest first, stopping all the bickering and point-scoring to work together for the good of our country.
But overcoming our national problems needs more than two parties coming together. In my speech today - which you can watch here - I said we need a coalition of the British people: a cross-country recognition that we all have a part to play.
Watch our latest Party Political Broadcast: Working together in the national interest
Take our plans to strengthen our economy. This government is doing its bit - not just by dealing with the deficit and restoring sound finances - but by encouraging enterprise through incentives like the Enterprise Allowance and more attractive business taxes.
But the success of our economy depends ultimately on people playing their part - entrepreneurs seizing these opportunities, creating wealth, jobs and opportunities for others. A pro-enterprise government and pro-active, go-getting people: together we will build a strong, prosperous economy.
So this is our message and this is our aim: not just to do our duty as a government, but to stir a spirit of national unity and resolve; to lift the national heart to the challenges we share.
Elephants are not people, US court rules
Judges ruled a bid to free five elderly African elephants from Cheyenne
Mountain Zoo was based on a law that only applied to humans.
27 minutes ago
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