Centro de Estudos Moçambicanos e Internacionais
Av. Patrice Lumumba, nº 1154, Caixa postal 1092, telefax nº + 258 21 301522, E-mail- cemode@teledata.mz, Maputo - Moçambique.
News Summary, 15th October, 2009.
PR congratulates workers
The President of the Republic, Armando Guebuza, congratulated the Mozambican workers through their Central Trade Union, OTM-CS, for their contribution in improving the business environment and public and private investment, domestic and foreign investment. In a message alluding to the 33th anniversary of the Central Trade Union, in last Tuesday, the President also congratulated the leaders of other unions "by the partnership that are also set with our government in the fight against poverty."
Many workers do not identify with “OTM-Central Sindical”
Some of the workers covered by the report of the "Canal de Moçambique" on the performance of “OTM-Central Sindical”, during the 33 years of its existence, accused that Central Trade Union to be more committed to upholding the interests of the FRELIMO party than to carry out trade union activities. The facts collected gives indication that the situation on the ground is not the best, and most of the workers turned on the main guild union because it had not been able so far to comply with what is its primary vocation: the defense the interests of workers.
Nineteen parties announce support Daviz Simango
Nineteen opposition parties, excluded from the electoral race of this month, gave yesterday its full support to the candidate of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), Daviz Simango, in the presidential race. These are the CDU, PARENA, PAREDE, PASOMO, PACODE, PASDI, PSDM, PARTONAMO, PUMILD, PUPI, MPD, PANAOC, PRDS, PRD, SOL, UNAMO, PANADE, Democratic Union coalition, UDF and PCD, supporting its position in their consideration that Daviz Simango is the only competitor to the presidency that "ensures a hope of a truly inclusive Mozambique”.
RENAMO in Milange annoyed with FRELIMO
Renamo accuses Frelimo of sowing terror and panic and stop its campaign in the district of Milange, in Zambezia province. This "complaint" comes at a time when the Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama, plans to visit the district for his campaign. The alleged sabotage that Frelimo is accused, is to prohibit the managers of several hotels in Zambezia to give accommodation to Dhlakama as a way to delay and derail his political activities in that province. Against this background, the spokesman for Renamo, Fernando Mazanga, said that "the attitude of the Frelimo violates the most basic rights of citizens in a democratic country and reveals the fear that the ruling party has of losing the elections of 28 October”.
Investors interested to produce Cement
According to the National Director of Industry, Fernando Santos, an unspecified number of applications for the construction and opening of more plants for the production of cement in the country was submitted to the Center for Investment Promotion (CPI) for analysis of its viability. One proposal was submitted by Indian investors, who wish to install two production units, one in Salamanga, Maputo province and another in Nacala, in Nampula province. Meanwhile, another group has expressed interest in investing in the construction of a unit in the district of Magude (Maputo province), while another seems interested in one unit based in the city of Inhambane.
Prices of food continue to rise in Maputo
According to the Bank of Mozambique the inflation rate measured by the consumer price in Maputo increased 0.23% in September, contrary to the negative change that occurred in the previous month of 0.69%. This rise in inflation is justified largely by the rising prices of some basic products such as rice, fish and potatoes ranging between 0.07 and 0.017 percent. (O Pais. 15th October, 2009).
Inter-institutional solutions needed to combat erosion
According to the director of the Center for Sustainable Development in the Coastal Zones (CDS), Manuel Poio, the Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs (MICOA) has a plan to create a inter-institutional team to identify solutions to combat erosion in coastal areas of the country. The team will involve the research departments of the University Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), the Technical University of Mozambique (UDM) and the Japanese University of Ethime. The problem of erosion in some parts of Mozambique is reaching alarming outlines. Pilot areas to the control and prevention of erosion have been selected in the districts of Chinde in Zambezia province, and Inhassoro Vilanculos in Inhambane, and the city of Beira in Sofala. (http://www.jornalnoticias.co.mz/pls/notimz2/getxml/pt/contentx/901639)
Production of potato rises in Maputo province
According to head of the Provincial Agricultural Extension of Maputo, Alexandre Jorge Noe, the right mix of production techniques of potato, which are followed by the fertilization of the soil, progressive control of crops by farmers, spraying and irrigation, is resulting in higher yields of that crop per hectare. From an average of 20 tons per hectare during the revival of the potato cultivation in the province of Maputo in 2006, today the farmers are close to the figure of 35 thousand kilograms per ten thousand square meters of cultivated area.
(Noticias. 15th October, 2009- www.jornalnoticias.co.mz/pls/notimz2/getxml/pt/contentx/901653)
Power is conditioned in Beira
According to the Electricity of Mozambique yesterday there were interruptions in energy supply in Sofala province as a result of the drop of a support tower of one of two high-voltage lines that connects the cities of Chimoio and Beira. The drop tower was caused by the theft of electrical equipment, and now, the power supply in Sofala province is to be guaranteed by another power line.
(Noticias. 15th October, 2009. http://www.jornalnoticias.co.mz/pls/notimz2/getxml/pt/contentx/901627)
UNDP supports the management of protected areas
Mozambique plans to ensure sustainable funding to the national system of protected areas to improve the current dynamic management of those areas of land and allows for the perfect combination of strands conservation, resource use and economic and social development of communities. With this in mind, was launched yesterday in Maputo the preparatory phase of a project that foresees the investment of a total of $US16.3M to strengthen the overall effectiveness and sustainability of protected areas in Mozambique, through partnerships between the public and private sectors and other stakeholders. This project was conceived by the Ministry of Tourism with the technical support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). (http://www.jornalnoticias.co.mz/pls/notimz2/getxml/pt/contentx/901638)
Secretary of SNJ stabbed in Beira
Provincial Secretary of the National Union of Journalists (SNJ) in Sofala, Celeste Mac-Arthur, was stabbed on the night of Tuesday by two unknown individuals. After assaulting her, the individuals also seized several items, among which a professional camera, a mobile phone and personal documents, and subsequently fled. The act happened in the building where she resides, in downtown of Beira, while she was going home.
Constâncio Nguja – Tradução para Inglês
Delfina Dança e Constâncio Nguja– Democracia, Governação e Corrupção
Delfina Dança - Direitos Humanos, Justiça e Legalidade
Saite Júnior – Economia e Desenvolvimento
Saite Júnior e Delfina Dança - Edição
Celso Gusse – Director Executivo do CEMO
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