2009 Elections Mozambique political process bulletin Number 21
27 October 2009 - AM www.elections2009.cip.org.mz
Editor: Joseph Hanlon (j.hanlon@open.ac.uk)
Deputy editor: Adriano Nuvunga Research assistant: Tânia Frechauth
Published by CIP, Centro de Integridade Pública and AWEPA, the European Parliamentarians for Africa
Material may be freely reprinted. Please cite the Bulletin.
To subscribe in English: http://tinyurl.com/mz-en-sub Para assinar em Português: http://tinyurl.com/mz-pt-sub
Election campaigns end in parties
Dancing, music, a lack of violence and a high participation characterised the final day of the campaign on Sunday, according to reports from our 100 journalists across Mozambique. Thousands attended the “showmícios” – a mix of a political rally and a show with bands – in the big cities, while there was singing and dancing even in smaller towns.
The closing of the campaign was overwhelmingly peaceful, although the were a few arrests and skirmishes between supporters of different parties.
Frelimo was active in all provinces and districts. Renamo and the MDM were present in most, but not all. On the final days of the campaign, Frelimo continued to use government vehicles, which underlined its advantages compared to the other parties which had much less money and fewer resources. Tânia Frechauth
2800 observers and journalists
1926 observers had been registered by the National Election Commission by Monday morning, and the number is still increasing. There were 1441 national observers and 486 foreign observers.
874 journalists have been registered, of whom 35 are foreign. More than 100 of these journalists are contributing to this Bulletin.
With nearly 13,000 polling stations, nearly 88,000 polling station staff have been trained and will be on duty Wednesday. Election officials feel they are better organised than in the past, and that they have adequate transport to ensure that materials will reach all polling stations in time.
Arrests and injury in Nacala Sunday scuffle
One person was hospitalised and several others injured in an incident at the close of the Renamo campaign in Nacala block 1. The incident apparently started when a women in a Renamo parade was knocked down by a car covered in Frelimo posters. Renamo members immediately launched a big protest, blocking two main roads. (See Bulletin 20, yesterday.)
Police spokesman Oliveira Maneque confirmed that the police used tear gas to disperse the crowds. And two Renamo members were arrested.
Mozambique Political Process Bulletin
Editor: Joseph Hanlon (j.hanlon@open.ac.uk)
Deputy editor: Adriano Nuvunga -- Research assistant: Tânia Frechauth
Material may be freely reprinted and circulated. Please cite the Bulletin.
Published by CIP, Centro de Integridade Pública and AWEPA, the European Parliamentarians for Africa
To subscribe: Para assinar:
In English: http://tinyurl.com/mz-en-sub
Em Português: http://tinyurl.com/mz-pt-sub
To unsubscribe: http://tinyurl.com/mz-en-unsub
Also on the web: Também na internet:
In English: News on the elections: http://www.elections2009.cip.org.mz
Previous issues of the Bulletin: http://www.bulletin.cip.org.mz
Em Português: Noticias sobre as Eleições: http://www.eleicoes2009.cip.org.mz
Boletims anteriores: http://www.boletim.cip.org.mz
Correspondentes populares -- Envie a sua mensagem
82 986 5659 ou 84 386 5659 ou cipmoz@tvcabo.co.mz
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