The priority of peace and disarmament for the global community
Joint statement by Co-Presidents of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament:
Senator Abacca Anjain Maddison ( Marshal Islands ), Hon Marian Hobbs MP ( New Zealand ), Mikyung Lee ( South Korea ),
Alexa McDonough MP ( Canada ) and Uta Zapf MdB ( Germany )
Commemorating May 24 - International Women’s Day for Disarmament
Press release: For immediate use
Contact: Alyn Ware ,
Phone: +1 646 752 8702
Click here for the signed PDF version
On the occasion of International Women’s Day for Disarmament, we appeal to world leaders and all citizens to re-dedicate themselves to implementing the goals of the United Nations for a world of peace and security through disarmament, the non-violent resolution of conflicts, and the reallocation of resources from military budgets to meet social and development goals.
We should immediately abandon the production, deployment and use of weapons such as landmines and cluster munitions which indiscriminately kill civilians, destroy communities, threaten future generations and tear apart the fabric of international law. We thus call for universal support for the international treaties to ban landmines and cluster munitions.
We must also end the out-dated doctrine where-by a few States erroneously believe that their security can be achieved by threatening to destroy other countries with nuclear weapons. The continuing possession of nuclear weapons stimulates proliferation and makes possible the acquisition and use by a terrorist group – something much more devastating than the destruction of the World Trade Centre in 2001. Even more frightening would be the use of multiple nuclear weapons between States - whether by accident, miscalculation or intent. Such use would dwarf the horrors of previous world wars and would generate environmental destruction far worse than the Chernobyl accident and the climate change from carbon emissions. We thus call for negotiations on a global treaty to ban nuclear weapons and ensure universal compliance with such a ban.
The threats to our planet – of climate change, poverty and war – can only be overcome by nations and the global community working in cooperation – something not possible while nations maintain large and expensive militaries and threaten to destroy each other. When one year of global military spending equals six hundred (600) years of the United Nations operating budget- are we truly committing ourselves to a world with increased cooperation and reduced conflicts?
On the other hand, globalization in the 21st Century has made comprehensive disarmament, the abolition of war and the achievement of cooperative security, realistic goals. We now have international mechanisms that can address security concerns, resolve international conflicts and respond to potential aggression in non-violent ways. And we have a growing global awareness and sense of responsibility to each other that can ensure that leaders in our communities and nations turn more to such mechanisms rather than resorting to the threat or use of force. This is enhanced by the involvement of women at all levels of conflict resolution and peacemaking, as promoted by UN Security Council Resolution 1325.
This new reality allows us to drastically reduce the one trillion dollars spent annually on the military and redirect these human and financial resources towards meeting the UN Millennium Development goals and preventing Climate Change.
As women representatives we are all proud of our home countries and our national identities. But we also reach across our national borders to recognize our common human identity and to collaborate on building a peaceful, secure and just world. We invite you to join us.
Senator Abacca Anjain Maddison ( Marshal Islands )
Hon Marian Hobbs MP ( New Zealand )
Mikyung Lee ( South Korea )
Alexa McDonough MP ( Canada )
Uta Zapf MdB ( Germany )
Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament
PO Box 24-429, Manners Street
Wellington , Aotearoa-New Zealand
Tel: +64 4 496 9629 Fax: +64 4 496-9599
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