WikiLeaks: FRELIMO blocks opposition proposal to debate references to Mozambique
The National Assembly (AR) yesterday, (Thursday, December 16), voted by a majority vote, not to support an opposition party’s proposal requesting the Government clarifies recent information published by the website ‘WikiLeaks'. The information alleged certain Mozambican leaders and other political personalities of the country were implicated in being involved in illicit activities. The proposal was raised during the last plenary session by RENAMO, the largest opposition party in Mozambique. The subject was then discussed by the Standing Committee of Parliament, which decided to refer the case to today’s plenary. A majority vote by FRELIMO´s parliament group, eventually blocked the proposal, stating it sought to divert Mozambicans from their main agenda, which was to fight poverty. (Http://www.radiomocambique.com/rm/noticias/anmviewer.asp?a=6451&z=100)
Donors will distribute 148 million dollars for education
Partners in a program supporting the Ministry of Education (MINED) agreed to a grant of 148 million dollars for the education sector in 2011. However, the amount to be donated has not increased compared to the same period last year. These statements were made during a meeting between the Ministry of Education and Programme Aid Partners, which has been held in Maputo since Tuesday. Further to this, some member countries, belonging to the Programme Aid Partners, will not continue to provide funds next year. For example, the Netherlands has confirmed its withdrawal and Denmark has also expressed its desire to exit, but has yet to confirm this action. (Http://www.opais.co.mz/index.php/sociedade/45-sociedade/11304-doadores-vao-desembolsar-148-milhoes-de-dolares-para-educacao.html)
Bank of Mozambique will open branches in Gaza and Manica provinces in 2011 - announces Bank´s Deputy Governor
The Bank of Mozambique (BM), has forecast that in 2011 it will open two branches in the provincial capitals of Manica and Gaza (southern and central regions), in order to provide coverage to the whole country. This plan was revealed by the Deputy Governor, Antonio Pinto de Abreu, at the end of the ceremony marking his inauguration, in Maputo, yesterday. The ceremony was attended by several members of the government. According to Pinto de Abreu, the country has been receiving positive responses regarding increases in the numbers of commercial banks´s rural branches, in addition to changes to the number of banks and financial institutions, in general.(Http://www.radiomocambique.com/rm/noticias/anmviewer.asp?a=6456&z=98)
Sweden supports science and technology project
The governments of Mozambique and the Kingdom of Sweden will launch a project funding scientific advances in Maputo today. The program aims to strengthen national research in scientific, innovation, human resource development and increase the popularization of science and technology. Under this agreement Sweden will provide 50 billion Swedish kronor, (about 7 million U.S. dollars), over a five year period. (Http://www.jornalnoticias.co.mz/pls/notimz2/getxml/pt/contentx/1149527)
Infrastructure accounts for 3.5 billion dollars
The Mozambican Government is annually investing between 3 – 3.5 billion U.S. dollars (USD) on infrastructure projects, in order to stimulate economic development throughout the country. These figures were released by the Minister of Transport and Communications, Paulo Zucula, who was speaking to press outside the recently completed "Africa - Gulf Investment Forum". This was held in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, and Mozambican delegation was headed by President, Armando Guebuza.(Http://www.jornalnoticias.co.mz/pls/notimz2/getxml/pt/contentx/1149463)
Local Initiatives Development Fund: Level of return to the "7 million" below 5% in Manica
The Government of Manica province is concerned about the low levels of reimbursement for funds developing local initiatives in that province. From a total 188,320 Meticais granted to finance several projects, in order to generate income and employment in Manica´s 9 districts over the last four years, only 20,162 has been returned to state coffers. This level of return represents only 5% of the total provided. The remaining 95% has been lost in the hands of the beneficiaries. Failure to return the funds results in the level available to fund other schemes is reduced by the missing amount. (Http://www.canalmoz.com/default.jsp?file=ver_artigo&nivel=1&id=6&idRec=9304)
In Beira, Lusaka and Dar-es-Salaam: Released pilot project on climate change
The cities of Beira (Mozambique), Lusaka (Zambia) and Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania) respectively have benefited sine last year, from a pilot project on disaster and risk management in the view of the planet’s changing climate. This action is planned to last five years and has funded to the tune of7 million pounds by ONEWORD, a British institution based in Cape Town, Republic of South Africa.(http://www.jornalnoticias.co.mz/pls/notimz2/getxml/pt/contentx/1149417)
145 technicians graduate from Institute of Health Sciences
At the Institute of Health Sciences (INCS), in Maputo, 145 health practitioners graduated, yesterday. They qualified at medium and basic levels, and will now work strengthening the National Health System. The technicians are trained in areas of Basic and General Nursing, Medicine Physics, Radiology, Anaesthesiology, Physical Therapy, and Intensive Care. Upon receiving their graduation certificates yesterday they can pass immediately into the labour market.(Http://www.radiomocambique.com/rm/noticias/anmviewer.asp?a=6455&z=98)
Mozambique: 93 children per 1,000 births die due to poor health services
In Mozambique 93 children die for every 1,000 births. This is due to a low level in the availability and provision of health services, and to inadequate health facilities. This data, released by the Ministry of Health, focuses on child mortality in the country and also states that 138 per 1,000 children die before reaching their 1st birthday. This occurs mainly in the provinces of Cabo Delgado, Nampula and Niassa; these are identified as areas where there are low levels of health service provision. (Http://www.radiomocambique.com/rm/noticias/anmviewer.asp?a=6450&z=98)
Mozambique accused of sexual exploiting children and using them in agriculture - U.S. Labour Department
In Mozambique, child labour has frequently been used in agricultural production and urban areas. Children also face sexual exploitation and being forced into domestic work, in addition to trafficking in minors. This is according to a study, released by the U.S. Department of Labour, on Wednesday (15\12\10). Entitled "2009´s Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labour", it includes studies on 125 countries and 19 territories. According to the United States´ Department of Labour, Mozambican children are subjected to domestic work for long hours and are at risk of sexual abuse from their employers. They are also used in informal work in the streets, such as in collecting scrap metal, where they face various risks. Many also work in restaurants and bars and some of these children are also sexually exploited. In 2009, there were 1.2 million orphans in Mozambique, many of which had lost parents due to HIV/AIDS. (Http://www.canalmoz.com/default.jsp?file=ver_artigo&nivel=1&id=6&idRec=9301)
How bad could the ship collision be for the environment?
Experts are assessing the potential fallout for marine species and nearby
wildlife populations.
2 hours ago
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