O filme 'paraiso perdido' uma producao do National Gepgraphic, que conta a historia do projecto de restauracao do Parque Nacional de Gorongosa, foi considerado pelo juri do Festival de Turismo de Berlin, como o MELHOR FILME EM TODAS AS CATEGORIAS (Premio Diamante) para alem de ter ganho a categoria TV-Travel (Medalha de Ouro)!
Ainda ontem o filme foi exibido no Hall 20 tendo recebido rasgados elogios por parte da critica e dos presentes!
Esta pois de parabens Mocambique, a National Geographic, a Carr Foundation, o Ministerio do Turismo (Ministro Fernando Sumbana, Zacarias Sumbana do Inatur, Direccao de Marketing (Katia Momade e sua equipe) , a Embaixada de Mocambique em Berlin (Embaixador Carlos dos Santos, Joao Ventura, Conselheiro Economico e respectiva equipa.
Um abraco de Berlin,
Manuel de Araujo
The film "Africa's Lost Eden", a production of National Geographic that tells the story of the Gorongosa National Park Restoration Project, was considered by the Juri of the Festival as the Best Film in all Categories (Diamond Award) and won also the Category TV-Travel (Gold Award).
The Berlin Tourism Film Festival is considered by many as the most important tourism film festival and its awards are the equivalent of the Hollywood Oscars for this kind of films.
These awards and the news about them that will circulate through the world press will place even more Gorongosa and Mozambique on the world map of the best and more attractive tourism "places to go".
Ambassador of Moçambique in Germany, Carlos dos Santos holding the Diamond Award,
with Michael Westhoven, Vice-President of FOX-National Geographic (Germany),
holding the Gold Award and Erwin Brunner, Editor of the National Geographic Magazine (Germany)
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