Prezadas Compatriotas,
Recebi a carta em anexo a solicitar dois ou tres CV de docentes universitarias e ou pesquisadoras mocambicanas para participarem numa formacao de curta duracao com o titulo: "Introducing Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Lifestyle into Africa Universities".
As interessadas poderao enviar o seu CV para
Dear Manuel
It has been a while since we contacted each other. As you might remember last time we talked about one of our project called "Introducing Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Lifestyle into Africa Universities". In the framework of this project we are organizing "Train the Trainer" workshop that will be conducted from April 13- 16 in Germany. Mozambique is one of our project country and we need to have one representative. The trainer should be a female, motivated in entrepreneurship and works in Universities in the capacity of researcher or professor. Younger candidate is highly preferred. Since we have already a contact in Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, the candidate should be from other college or university.
I was wondering if you can suggest us two or three persons. We can then select them according to our criteria.
Best Regards,
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