Thursday, 13 August 2009


Electoral Observatory denounces partiality of the State
75 days before elections take place in the country, the Electoral Observatory has
denounced that there are ministers, national and provincial directors and administrators of public and district companies who are leaving their jobs during work hours to do work for the ruling party.This information was given by Abdul Carimo, of the Electoral Observatory after a meeting with members of the civil society.
Tribuna Fax, 12th of August 2009

Council of Ministers did not debate theon Oil crisis atin their meeting
The Council of Ministers met yesterday and despite the effects the current situation is having, did not debate the oil crisis, which is affecting citizens around the country. This information was given by the Vice-Minister of Planning and Development, Victor Bernardo.
He justified this by alleging that the case is being debated in the Ministry of Energy.
Canal de Mocambique, 12th of August 2009

Those involved in fraud in the Ministry of Transports were not arrested
The Ministry of Transport and Communication, Paulo Zucula, has said that he has
received the report on the deviation of funds in that institution, in which the Head of the Department of Licensing within the Ministry of Transport and Communication, Marta Laisson is indicated as of the suspects. The suspects were not arrested, but the case has been transferred to other sectors to be analysed. The value of the money stolen is estimated to be around 650, 000 Meticais.
Italian, British and Canadian companies win MCA competition
The companies Scott Wilson of the United Kingdom, Techniplan of Italy and R.J. Burnside International of Canada have won the competition of the Millennium Challenge Account – Mozambique. This information was given by the company R.J. Burnside, which will be involved in a water project to be implemented in Northern region, with a budget of US $4.3m. The two remaining companies will be involved in road construction and rehabilitation projects, with a budget of US$3.8m (for Scott Wilson) and US$5.8m (for the Techniplan)
Club of Mozambique, 13th of August 2009
Free Trade Area is still not benefiting importers
The Tax Authority (TA) in Mozambique have stated that two years after the introduction of the Free Trade Area, the initiative is still not benefiting national importers. For verification at the border, importers now have to submit a Certificate of origin of the product concerned.
O Pais, 12th of August 2009
MITRAB suspend employment contracts
The Ministry of Labor (MITRAB) have decided to suspend the delegate adminstrator
(Stassen Caper Van Der Merwe) and the Director of Administration and Finance
(Sharmain Norton) from working in Mozambique, in the private security company G4S.
The suspention is effective immediately.
Noticias, 13th of August 2009
Police admit that they cannot stop traffic accidents
According to the General Commander of the Police force in Mozambique, Raul Freia, the
rise in traffic accidents is due to the increasing number of cars in the country. He also said that the Police have still not found a way to counter these accidents.
Canal de Mocambique, 12th of August 2009
Delfina Dança and Constancio Nguja – Democracy, Governance and Corruption
Severino de Carvalho – Economics and Development
Delfina Dança – Human Rights, Justice and Legal Affairs
Constancio Nguja and Nicola Whyte – Translation
Celso Gusse – CEMO Executive Director

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