Sunday, 12 July 2009

Chloe Smith

Common Interest - Politics
Description: It's a year and a half since local people picked Chloe Smith to be the Conservative candidate for Norwich North. In that time, she's met hundreds of local people and gained a reputation for being a hardworking, energetic local campaigner - for instance, campaigning against the closure of the NHS walk-in centre at Thorpe St. Andrew, fighting for justice following the Greyhound Opending homes scandal, and working to improve the quality of council housing.

She's a Norfolk girl through and through - she grew up in Norfolk and is a governor of her old comprehensive school in Swaffham. Chloe now works for a leading international firm which advises private businesses, government departments and public bodies.

Her career so far has given her experience working on Whitehall, in the City, and with not-for-profit organisations.

In the forthcoming by-election, people in Norwich North have the opportunity to send a direct message to Gordon Brown about MPs' expenses, about the economy and about the debt crisis by voting Conservative. But the by-election is also about who represents the local community. Chloe hasn't just arrived for the by-election: she has a long-standing record of campaigning for the local community. She will be a strong, local MP who will stand up for everyone in and around Norwich.

Contact Info
Office: Christ Church Centre, Magdalen Road, Norwich NR3 4LA
Location: Magdalen Road
Norwich, United Kingdom

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