It's only been a matter of time before Jacqui Smith came face to face with the resignation question.
She's never been particularly likeable, although, to be fair, no-one is charismatic enough to appear likeable while selling the inane and vindictive policies emanating from the Home Office recently. The expenses scandal serious damaged her both in terms of her crude claim for a second home allowance and the renting of questionable movies using public money.
But the final nail on the coffin, according to the growing media consensus, is the Damian Green affair. This is an unfortunate angle for newspapers to take. We're in danger of overlooking the real problems through an unhelpful concentration on personality. Jacqui Smith is not the problem. The British government is the problem
Officers charged in 'gladiator fights' at California youth detention centre
Prosecutors accuse some officers at the youth detention centre of acting as
"referees" in dozens of fights.
1 hour ago
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