Former Labour MP quits party Alice Mahon, MP for Halifax between 1987 and 2005, said she also felt "absolutely scandalised" by the Damian McBride affair.
Ms Mahon, 71, a vocal critic of Tony Blair and the Iraq War, has now written to Halifax Constituency Labour Party tendering her resignation, where she had been a member for more than half a century.
In her letter, she said: "This has been a difficult decision to take as I feel I was almost born into the Labour Party.
"However, I can no longer be a member of a party that at the leadership level has betrayed many of the values and principles that inspired me as a teenager to join."
Banksy take on Vettriano work sells for £4.3m
The painting sold to a private buyer at auction in London the day after it
was confirmed Vettriano had died aged 73.
2 hours ago
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