Health Education fellowship
The Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research invites applications for its Southern Africa regional fellowships. The provide health professions educators in Africa with restricted time or mobility, or who prefer a regional context, with the opportunity to develop skills with which to improve health education in their region. Regional fellowships follow two-year format to the FAIMER institute fellowships but the two residential sessions are
shorter in length. Applicants must reside in their home countries, have a graduate or professional degree, hold an academic appointment as a faculty member in a school of medicine or a post graduate medical education institute and have at least three years work experience as a faculty member. Applicants must also be in position of leadership with respect to curriculum and educational policies and procedures. RA id: 222117.
Contact: Katherine Mason, FAIMER, 3624 Market Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2685, USA. Tel. + 1 215 823 2213. Fax+1 215
966 3123. Email Web
Deadline: 1 November 2008 [27]
Grants for Eastern Africa
The Ford Foundation invites proposals for its grants programme in Eastern Africa.Grants support organizations that reduce poverty and injustice and promote democratic values, International cooperation and human achievement Funding is available in the following areas:
environment and economic development; education and sexuality;
governance and civil society; human rights, social justice and media;
arts and culture. Activities must be charitable, educational or
scientific. RA id: 220200
Contact: Ford Foundation, PO Box 41081, 00100, Nairobi Kenya.
Tel.+ 25420 271 0444. Fax +254 202712203. Email fordnairobi@ Web
No deadline [0.2]
Economic management
The African Economic Research Consortium invites applications for its
PhD thesis awards. These provide up to $15,000 towards PhD thesis
research in economic management. Applicants must be African
nationals intending to pursue a career in economic management,
research or teaching at an institution in sub-Saharan Africa. A id:
Contact: EARC, 3rd floor, Middle East Bank Towers Building,
Milimani Road, PO Box 62882, 00200, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel. + 254
202734150. Fax +254 202734170. Email training
Deadline: 1 November 2008 [5]
Mathematics scholarships
The African Institute for Mathematics sciences, in association with the German Academic Exchange Service, invites applications for the DAAD PhD scholarships. These support students wishing to commence a PhD programme at a South African University.
Scholarships fund tuition fees, living cost and other related programme costs. Applicants must be African nationals from sub-Saharan Africa and must be no more than 36 years of age. Women are particularly encouraged to apply. RA id: 222183.
Contact: DAAD PhD scholarships, AIMS,6-8 Melrose Road,
Muizenberg 7945, South Africa. Tel. = 2721787 9320. Fax + 2721787
9321. Email Web
Deadline: 30 November 2008 [8.1]
Monsanto Africa grants
The Monsanto Fund invites applications for its Grants. These support projects in the following areas: Improving nutritional well being through agriculture; the environment; science education communities.
Public charities, government units, private hospitals and medical research organizations may apply. Funding will only be considered for projects over $25,000. RA id: 219925.
Contact: Monsanto Kenya, Tuskys Headquarters, Mombasa Road,
PO Box 47686 Nairobi 000100, Kenya. Email Web
2 Deadline: 1 January 009 [8.2]
Civic engagement awards
The World Bank invites applications for its small grants. These support actions for civic engagement. Most grants range from $3,000 to $ 7,000, up to a maximum amount of $ 15,000, and are awarded for one year. Civic society organizations based in developing countries and working on the issues of development may apply .RA id: 221284.
Contact: World Bank, 1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC
20433, USA Tel +1202 473 1000. Fax +1 202 477 6391.Web Then click on
‘social development’ ‘application procedures’ and ‘small grants
No deadline [20]
World Bank finance grants
The World Bank’s first initiative invites applications for its grants. These support growth and poverty eradication in low-and middleincome countries through the promotion of robust diverse financial sectors. Priority areas include; access to finance; accounting and auditing; banking, including payment, clearing and settlement and credit information systems; capital markets and corporate governance; financial sector strategy and policy; financial sector legal, regulatory and supervisory frameworks; housing finance;
insurance and other non-bank financial institutions; pension funds and collective investment vehicles.
Beneficiaries must be eligible for International Bank for reconstruction and development loans or International Development Association credits. RA id: 221938.
Contact: FIRST Programme Management unit, World Bank, Mail
Stop Number MC9-903, 1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC
20433,USA. Tel +1 202 473 2765 Fax +1202 522 7466. Email Web
No deadline [22]
Development funding
The African Development Foundation invites applications for its development grants. These support projects that are focused on the development of agricultural cooperatives and small-scale producer groups, community- based organizations, and small and mediu- sized enterprises. The organization must be African owned and managed.
Most grants are between $50,000 and $ 250,000. NGOS and small enterprises from Benin, Botswana, Burundi, Cape Verde, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia Mali, Mauritania, Namibia, Nigeria, Niger, Rwanda Senegal, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia are eligible to apply. RA id: 221946.
Contact: ADF, 1400 Street NW, USA. Tel +202067303916. Fax
+202 673 3810. Email Web
No deadline [23]
Health education fellowship
The Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research invites applications for its Southern Africa regional institute fellowships. These provide health professions educators in Africa with restricted time or mobility, or who prefer a regional context, with the opportunity to develop skills with which to improve health education in their region. Regional fellowships follow a similar
two-year format to the FAIMER institute fellowships but the two residential sessions are shorter in length. Applications must reside in their home countries, have a graduate or professional degree, hold an academic appointment as a faculty member in a school of medicine or a post-graduate medical education institute and have at least three years work experience as a faculty member. Applications must also be
in position of leadership with respect to curriculum and educational policies. And procedures. RA id: 222117.
Contact: Katherine Mason, FAIMER, 3624 Market street, Philadelphia,
PA 19104-2685, USA. Tel +1215 823 2213. Fax +1215 966 3123.
Email Web
Deadline: 1 November 2008. [27]
Social entrepreneurship
The Skoll foundation invites applications for its awards for social entrepreneur ship. These support work, which has the potential to influence key social and environmental challenges in the applicant’s home country. Topics include; environmental sustainability; health, tolerance and human rights; institutional responsibility; economic and social equity; peace and security. Preference will be given to social entrepreneurs working in five critical sub-issue areas: climate change; nuclear proliferation; global pandemics; conflict in the Middle East;
water scarcity. A social entrepreneur, developing models relevant to the area of implimentation, should lead organization, have a track record of at least three years and have a clear plan for long-term financial and operational sustainability. Funding provides up to 30 percent of the organisation’s actual revenue in year one, 25 percent in year two and 20 percent in year three. RA id: 221257.
Contact: Skoll Foundation,250 University Avenue,Suite 200, palo
alto, CA 94301, USA. Tel +1 650 331 1031. Fax 1 650 331 1033. Email Web
Deadline: 4 November 2008 [6]
Development grants
The United States Agency for International Development, through its office of Development partners, invites applications from indigenous non-governmental organizations, for its developmental grants programme. The purpose is to create New partnership opportunities for NGOS that have had limited or no prior funding from USAID and ensure that less experienced grantees have access to technical assistance from USAID to improve their planning and management systems and the other competencies deeded to successfully implement USAID-funded activities. Priority areas include: women’s empowerment; water; micro enterprise; diary; environment;
democracy; governance. Selected USAID missions in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe and Eurasia may apply.
USAID will award small cooperative agreements totaling
approximately $ 10 million. Awards may range from $ 50,000 up to a maximum of $ 500,000 and project activities will be supported over a three-year period. M-OAA-GRO-ALPS-09-001-LOCAL.
Contact: Email Then click on ‘search for grant opportunities’ and search by opportunity number.
Deadline: concept papers 5 November 2008; full proposals 29 January 2009 [28]
Medical education The foundation for advancement of International Medical Education
and Research invites applications for its Institute fellowships. These support international medical school faculty who have the potential to play a key role in improving medical education at their schools. The first year includes two residential sessions in the US and an intersession curriculum innovation project at the participant’s home institution. The second year involves mentoring an entering fellow.
Funding will be provided fro a round- trip airfare, accommodation and course materials. Applicants need to reside in their home countries, have a graduate or professional degree, and hold an academic appointment as a faculty member in a school of medicine or a post graduate medical education institute and at least three years work experience as a faculty member. Applicants also need to be in a
position of leadership with with respect to curriculum and educational policies and procedures. Priority will be given given to applicants from African Institutions. RA id: Katherine Mason, FAIMER, 3624
Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2685, USA. Tel + 1215 823
2213. Fax + 1215 966 3123. Email education Web
Deadline: 1 January 2009 [43]
Public service fellowships
The Robert F Wagner School of public service invites applications for its African women public service fellowships. These support female African students wishing to pursue a masters qualification at NYU Wagner in either public administration or management of international public service or organizations. The awards will fund
tuition, housing, travel to and from the US and a small stipend for books and miscellaneous expenses. The applicants must meet the Wagner programme criteria and be able to present standardized test scores. They must be citizens of, and resident in, an African country at the time of application. They must demonstrate a strong academic record and a commitment to public service. RA id: 212727.
Contact: NYU Wagner, The Puck Building, 295 Lafayette Street,
Second Floor, New York, NY 10012-9604, USA. Tel +1 212 998 7400.
Email Web
Deadline: 15 January 2009 [46]
Population research
The population council invites applicants for the Fred H Bixby fellowships programme. This expands training and research opportunities for early career population specialists and biomedical researchers. Fellows will work with experienced mentors from the council in the following programme areas: HIV and Aids; poverty; gender and youth; re productive health. Candidates must have recently completed or be anticipating completing, a phD or equivalent degree in the social sciences, public health or biomedical sciences. All applicants should have previous direct experience with either biomedical research, programme research or policy relevant social science research and be legal citizens of a developing country. The
fellowships last for an initial period of one year, with an option of a
second year’s renewal. The award includes a monthly stipend, health insurance, attendance at one international meeting per annum and a computer. Raid: 217361.
Contact: Population council, one Dag Hmmarskjold Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA. Tel +1212339 0500. Fax +1212755 6052. Email Web
Deadline: 15 January 2009 [48]
Social science research
The Horowitz Foundation for social Policy invites applications for its grants. These support work in major areas of the social sciences, including anthropology, area studies, economics, political science, psychology, sociology and urban studies, as well as newer areas such as a evaluation research. Preference will be given to projects that deal with contemporary issues in the social sciences and issues of policy relevance.
Six special awards are also offered. These are: the Joshua Feigenbaum award.This supports empirical research on policy aspects of the arts and popular culture, with special reference to mass communication; the Eli Ginzberg award. This support a project involving solutions to major health and welfare problems in urban
setting; the Harold D Lasswell award. This supports policy related projects in International relations and foreign affairs; the Martinus Nijhoff award. This supports studies with policy implications for scientific, technological and medical research; the Robert K Merton award. This supports studies on the relationship between social theory and public policy; the John L Stanley award. This supports
work on the political and ethical foundations of policy research.
Anthropology fellowships
The Wenner-Gren Foundation of anthropological Research invites applications for the Wadsworth International fellowships. These are intended to provide support for students undertaking study leading to a phD at universities where they can receive international-level training in anthropology. The annual fellowship is worthy $17,500 and can be used towards travel, living expenses, tuition, student fees,
Insurance, books or research expenses. The fellowship is renewable for up to two additional years upon successful completion of each proceeding year’s study or research. Only students from middle and lower-income countries in which anthropology lacks institutional and financial support are eligible to apply. RA id: 213330.
Contact: Wenne- Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 470 Park Avenue South, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10016,
USA. Tel +1 212 683 5000. Fax + 1 212 683 9151. Email Web Then click on ‘grants for
doctoral students’ and ‘wadsworth international fellowships’.
Deadline: preliminary applications 1 February; full
applications 1 March 2009 [62]
Continental Neotropical birds
The Association of Field ornithologists invites applications for the Pamela and Alexander F Skutch award. This supports the study of the life histories, especially social relations and reproduction, of little known birds of the continental tropics, including Trinidad and Tobago, with a minimum of disturbance. Applications are welcome from amateur or professional anthropologists. The award is worth $ 10,000.
RA id: 214139
Contact :Elissa Landre, Massachusetts Audobon, 280 Eliot
Street, Natic, MA 01760, USA. Email
Deadline: 15 February 2009 [69]
Dispute resolution
The Harvard Law School invites applications for its negotiation graduate fellowships. These encourage young scholars from the social sciences and professional disciplines to pursue theoretical, empirical or applied research in negotiation and dispute resolution. Doctoral candidates in the fields of economics, psychology, sociology, anthropology, international relations, public policy, urban planning, business and Law may apply. Candidates must have completed all
degree requirements except for the dissertation. Awards include:
$20,000. RA id: 219513.
Contact: Sarah Woodside, PON, Harvard Law School, 513 Pound
Hall, Cambridge, MA 02138,USA. Tel +16174957710. Fax +1617495
7818. Email Web
Deadline: 15 February 2009 [72]
Global studies fellowships
The University of Pittsburgh, through its University Center FOR international Studies, invites applications fro the HJ Heinz Company Foundation fellowship. These support individuals from developing countries who demonstrate potentials as future leaders in the public, government, non-profit or private sectors. Applicants should have experience of leadership in one of the following areas: sustainable development; governance; public health; conflict resolution. Fellows will receive a living stipend of $18,000 paid in monthly installments, mandatory health insurance, round-trip transportation to and from Pittsburgh, and a $2,000 programme and professional activities fund.
Applicants must have completed a University degree. RA id: 217815
Contact: H.J Heinz Company Foundation Fellowship, Global
Studies Programme, University Center for International Studies, 4100
Wesley W. Posvar Hall, 230 Bouquet Street, University of Pittsburgh,
PA 15260, USA. Tel +14126242918. Fax +14126244672. Email Web
Deadline: 2 March 2009 [76]
South Africa and US exchange
The University of Michigan and its South Africa Initiatives Office invites applications for the Moody exchange scholars’ programme. The programme enables scholars to visit the University of Michigan for periods of up to three months. At the University, scholars will have access to library and research materials that can assist them in the completion of their degrees or research. Graduate students enrolled at a South Africa college or university and scholars who have recently
completed a phD and who are making progress towards the publication of their research may apply. Grants provide airfare and a stipend. RA id: 215927.
Contact: Devon Adjei, South Africa Initiative Office, Center for
Afro-American and African Studies, 4700 Haven Hall, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109-1089, USA . Tel +17347637778. Fax +17347630543.
Email Web
Deadline: 3 March 2009 [77]
Children’ programme grants
The children’s Investment Fund Foundation invites applications for its grants programme. CIFF funds interventions to explicitly ensure that children will secure: protection from disease for themselves and their family.; long-term access to health, education, and nutrition; access to essential services within their communities. Project proposals should fit into one of the following portfolios: children affected by HIV/Aids;
sanitation and hygiene; education; emergency humanitarian assistance. The majority of funding is focused on Africa and India, but the CIFF is increasingly looking to support global initiatives primed for transformational impact. RA id: 220134.
Contact: CIFF,7 Clifford Street, London W1S 2WE,UK. Tel
+44207440 2357. Email Web,64/form_i
No deadline [112]
Young scientists prize
The academy of sciences for the Developing World invites funding applications from science academies, research councils, ministries of science and technology or high level research organizations to enable them to institute a scheme for TWAS prizes for young scientists in developing countries. These recognize and support individuals who have made excellent contribution to the advancement of science.
Candidates should be no older than 40 years of age at the time of winning the prize, hold a masters degree and be living and working in the country of the awarding organization. Prize money is worth up to $2,000 ($3,588). RA id: 220411.
Contact: TWAS Prizes for Young Scientists, ICTP Campus,
Stranda Costiera 11,34014, Trieste, Italy. Fax+39040224559. Email Web
No deadline [114]
Ethics in science
The Institute for Advanced Studies on science, technology and society invites applications for fellowships at the Institute of Graz from 1 October 2009 to 30 June 2010. These are dedicated to projects investigating the following issues: gender, technology and environment; new genetics and modern biotechnology; sustainable
consumption and production; energy and climate; information and communication technologies Funding is worth 940 euros ($1,333) per month for up to nine
months. The IAS-STS may provide a one-off grant of up to 300 euros to cover the fellow’s travel costs to and from Graz. Email info@sts.tugraz. Web
Deadline: 31 December 2008 [131]
Unesco research fellowships
Unesco invites applications for its unesco/Kizo Obuchi research fellowships. These support innovative postgraduate research in a host institution abroad. Projects can be conducted in the following areas: environment; intercultural dialogue; information and communication technology; peaceful conflict resolution. Awards are worth a maximum of $10,000 for accommodation, subsistence and travel for up to nine
months. Applicants must be nationals of a Unesco member state hold a masters degree and be under the age of 40. RA id: 220706.
Contact: Unesco, 7 Place de Fontenoy,75352 Paris 07 SP, France. Tel +33145681000. Fax +33 145 685503. Email Web
Deadline: 9 January 2009 [134]
Conservation scholarships
WWWF International invites applications for the Prince Bernhard scholarships. These provide financial support to individual wishing to pursue short-term professional training or formal studies that will help them contribute more effectively to conversion efforts in there country. Scholarships are for training or studies lasting one year or less. Multiple year studies will only be considered if the candidate is applying for support for the last year of studies. Courses and training
should be focused on the field of conservation and associated disciplines directly relevant to the delivery and promotion of conservation, such as media, Law and education. Funding of up to CHF10 000 ($9,000) is available per scholarship. Ra ID: 221082.
Contact: Mario Hartop Soutter, WWF Internatiomal, Avenue du
Mont-Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel +4122364 9205. Fax +4122
364 4892. Email Web
Deadline: 12 January 2009 [137]
Insurance economics
The Geneva Association invites applications for the Ernst Meyer prize for university research contributing significantly to the study of risks and insurance economics. The thesis should have been accepted by the PhD committee during the 15 months proceeding the deadline.
Submissions are possible in one of the following languages: English, French, Spanish, German. The prize is worth CHF5, 000 ($4,502).
Raid: 215430.
Contact: Geneva Association, 53 Route de Malagnou, CH-1208
Geneva, Switzerland. Tel+41227076600. Fax +41227367536. Email Web
Deadline: 15 January 2009 [138]
International science award
The Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology invites applications for the Khwarizmi international award. This recognizes contributions by researchers, innovators and inventors to various fields of science and technology. The following are eligible: innovation; invention; applied research; fundamental research.
Participation in the Khwarizmi international award is open to individuals. The award includes up to $7,000 in cash, a trophy and a certificate signed by the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran. RA
id: 219492.
Contact: IROST, No 71 Shahid Mosavi st, Enghelab Ave, PO Box
15815-3538, Tehran 15819, Ran. Tel +98218882 80517. Fax
+98218883 83 41.Email
Deadline: 31/October 2009 [155]
Round two of GCE opens
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is now accepting proposals for round two of the Grand Challenges Explorations (GCE). GCE is a $100-million initiative that aims to encourage scientists to use creative and unorthodox ideas that could lead to major breakthroughs against health challenges facing poor countries.
Topics for this round for this round of the programme are: the development of new vaccines for diarrhea, HIV, malaria, pneumonia and tuberculosis; new tools to accelerate the eradication of malaria, new ways to protect against infectious diseases, including alternatives to traditional vaccine; new drugs and delivery systems to limit the emergence of resistance in disease-causing agents; new ways to
prevent or cure HIV infection; the exploration of the basis for latency in TB.
Initial grants will be $100,000 each and projects showing promise will have the opportunity to receive additional funding of $1m. Applications must be submitted online by no later than 2 November.
Man taken to hospital after west Belfast shooting
Police are at the scene of a shooting in the Bell Steel Manor area of
1 hour ago
1 comment:
Dear Manuel,
I am happy to be in touch.
I am a Ugandan citizen in my freshman year at the Moi University School of Medicine in Eldoret, Kenya.
I am in dire need of funds to enable me progress in my education. I am undertaking an MBCHB, and as of now i have no funds yet i am due to report to college on the 12th of January 2009.
Please guide me towards accessing a scholarship/funding agency that can pay my tuition even for just 3 years. tuition fees are at 2051 USD per term and we do three terms a year equivalent to approx. 6000 USD per year.
I was only able to raise fees for one term by selling a piece of land in my village in Gulu district , Northern Uganda.
Hoping for your kind help.
Best Regards and wishes to you this new year 2009.
Denis Olweny Otika
ADM: No.Med/56/08. MUSOM.
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