The South African Institute of International Affairs
cordially invites you to a conference
The Second Scramble for Africa
‘Lifting the resources curse’
Date : 28-29 November 2007
Venue : Jan Smuts House, East Campus, Wits University
RSVP : Judy Govender, by Friday 23 November 2007
Tel : (011) 339 2021
Fax : (011) 339 2154
Email :
A second “scramble for Africa ”, driven by the consumptive demands of the major world powers, is underway to extract its natural resources intensively. This global demand for Africa ’s resources has propelled commodity prices to record levels.
Africa holds nearly 30% of the planet’s mineral reserves, including 40% of its gold, 60% of its cobalt and 90% of the world’s platinum reserves. The continent is also an increasingly important global oil producer and has the second largest tropical rain forests in the world. Rather than these resources being a driver of African development, in many cases their exploitation and extraction has led to environmental degradation, but also to poor governance, underdevelopment and conflict.
The South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) announces the launch of its Governance of Africa’s Resources programme that seeks to strengthen Africa ’s ability to meet these new developments and derive the maximum benefit from the extraction of its natural resources.
SAIIA is pleased to invite you to the launch conference of its Governance of Africa’s Resources programme.
Stakeholders who will benefit from this conference are:
Companies engaged in resource extraction and exploitation in Africa
International and multilateral organisations engaged in resource governance on the African continent
African governments, policy-makers and parliaments
African regional and multilateral organisations
African civil society, academics, researchers and policy advisers
Day One : Wednesday 28 November
08h30-09h00 Registration, tea, coffee, refreshments
09h05-09h15 Welcome
Fred Phaswana – Chairman SAIIA
09h20-09h30 Introductory remarks
Royal Norwegian Embassy Pretoria
09h30-11h00 Chair: Kuseni Dlamini, National Council, SAIIA
Keynote address: Trick or treat – Can Africa extract, develop
and sustain its natural resources?
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (TBC)
Tim Hughes – Programme Head – SAIIA
Open Discussion
11h00-11h30 Tea, coffee, refreshments
11h30-13h00 Chair: Zoli Diliza – Chief Executive SA Chamber of Mines
Panel Discussion: Mining in Africa – digging deep for profits and
AngloGold-Ashanti, World Resources Institute, De Beers
Open Discussion
13h30-14h15 Lunch
14h00-15h30 Chair: Honourable Nathi Mthethwa M.P. – Chair Parliamentary
Portfolio Committee on Minerals and Energy
Session 2: Panel discussion: Oil, gas & energy in Africa
Black gold or black curse? Oil, gas and African development
Global Witness, Petroleum Corporate, Chatham House
15h30-15h45 Tea, coffee, refreshments
16h00-17h15 Chair: Dr Mathews Phosa – Chairman Vuka Forestry Holdings
Session 3: Timber & logging in Africa
Enhancing the governance of Africa ’s forests and timber exploitation
Professor Godwin Kowero – African Forests Forum
Sustaining Africa ’s Forests
Dr Jean-Laga rde Betti –Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife , Cameroon
Open Discussion
17h15-17h30 Summary, closing and thanks: Neuma Grobbelaar – Director of
Studies SAIIA
Day Two : Thursday 29 November
08h30-09h00 Registration, tea, coffee, refreshments
09h05-09h15 Welcome and Introductory remarks
Professor Eltie Links SAIIA Council member
09h20-11h00 Chair: Elizabeth Sidiropoulos National Director, SAIIA
Keynote address: Natural resources extraction and revenues – is
Africa cleaning up its act?
Mr Willy Olsen – Board Member, Revenue Watch Institute
Professor Ogunlade Davidson - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Open Discussion
11h00-11h30 Tea, coffee, refreshments
11h30-12h50 Chair: Tim Hughes – SAIIA Governance of Africa ’s
Resources Project Head
Africa ’s Marine Fisheries – From depletion to sustainable
Progress and status of the NEPAD Fisheries Plan
Sloans Chimatiro
Progress and challenges confronting fisheries renewal
Nadia Bouffard - Director General Fisheries Renewal Fisheries and
Oceans Canada
Mr Per Erik Bergh NFDS (DFID IUU Fishing Project Coordination
Open Discussion
12:50-13:00 Closing and thanks: Elizabeth Sidiropoulos – National Director
13h00-14h00 Lunch
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