Navigation in the Shire and Zambezi rivers: Government rejects appeal by opposition MPs to accept claims of Malawi
The Mozambican Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Oldemiro Baloi, rejected yesterday in Maputo. He was answering the calls of some opposition deputies who wanted the opening of the Shire and Zambezi rivers to international traffic to meet the demands of neighbouring Malawi. The MP parliamentary for Democratic Movement (MDM), Eduardo Elias said, speaking at a session of questions to the government that the opening of those waterways to international traffic would be of interest to local people because of the gains. However, Baloi reiterated that the Government cannot in any way accept that those rivers be used for international traffic without conducting an environmental impact study. Moreover, said Baloi, "even Malawi asked the European Union (EU) a pre-feasibility study on the navigability of these rivers." (Http://www.radiomocambique.com/rm/noticias/anmviewer.asp?a=6160&z=100)
Guebuza reiterates that open presidency are to remain
The President of FRELIMO Armando Guebuza reiterated that as long he is the head of state, he will continue to hold open presidencies throughout the country, despite opposition criticism about the budget for it. Guebuza believes that open and inclusive presidency has the power to bring the leaders closer to the people. Speaking at the opening of the Fifth Ordinary Session by the Central Committee of FRELIMO, which kicked off yesterday at Matola city .The President continued and said that "the open and inclusive presidency gives our people the opportunity to directly put their petitions, complaints and claims, to evaluate government performance and provide advice on what should be improved in government plan of action. (Http://www.opais.co.mz/index.php/politica/63-politica/10929-guebuza-reitera-que-as-presidencias-abertas-sao-para-continuar.html)
Registration of SIM cards is illegal and anti-Constitutional – says CIP
On September 15, 2010, was published Ministerial Diploma No. 153/2010 signed by the Minister of Transport and Communications adopted a regulation about the "SIM" Cards. The document is illegal, inconsistent and anti-constitutional, according to an analysis by the Centre for Public Integrity (CIP). According to CIP "on skills, responsibilities and functions of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (...) solely responsible for regulating activities under his tutelage, but did not impose obligations or restrictions of rights by citizens in general." "Indeed, the imposition on obligations or restrictions of rights for citizens, for their importance and delicacy, can only be a responsibility of Parliament and even then, always obeying the limits and defined in the Constitution." (Http://www.canalmoz.com/default.jsp?file=ver_artigo&nivel=1&id=6&idRec=9167)
Questions to Government end with verbal aggression
Government questioning session ended yesterday with exchange of harsh words. After a calm and quiet session on Wednesday. Thursday was different story RENAMO was thunderous. Armindo Milaca told Guebuza's government to resign accusing it of failure to solve the problems of the people. "Mr. Prime Minister, is not good to leave for good and start to manage what you have stolen, all these years, and continue life as usual, rather than wait for the wrath of the people to rise up and take you by force and seize all that you stole?" asked Milaca. FRELIMO said the opposition should not be limited to criticize but also to advance solutions. (Http://www.opais.co.mz/index.php/politica/63-politica/10921-perguntas-ao-governo-terminam-com-agressoes-verbais.html)
Lichinga Road/Cuamba will cost 244 million dollars
The reconstruction on roads at Lichinga and Cuamba in Niassa Province, will cost 244 million dollars. This was said by sources at the Ministry of Public Works and Housing. The feasibility study could begin next January while and negotiations with Japan are already in an advance stage, who are going to be funding partners. This project is included in the Economic and Social Plan by the government, is part of the projects by Ministry of Public Works and Housing, which plans to finish this project next year achieve next year. (Http://www.radiomocambique.com/rm/noticias/anmviewer.asp?a=6159&z=98)
Sun Biofuels Mozambique intends to expand area of cultivation of jatropha
Sun Biofuels Mozambique a subsidiary of the British Sun Biofuels, will quintuple over the next five years the area planted to jatropha. The aim is to reach 11,000 hectares of planted area in the provinces of Manica and Sofala in the next five years. The Sun Biofuels Mozambique currently has a planted area of 2,000 hectares with jatropha, for subsequent production of biofuels. The company currently provides employment for 1,200 people and is considering the possibility of starting to buy jatropha for local farmers, once decided the best six varieties of the plant for the project. (Http://www.macauhub.com.mo./pt/news.php?ID=10567)
Reopened molecular biology laboratory of Sant'Egidio
I molecular biology laboratory program Drem, for Children reopened yesterday. This initiative of the Sant'Egidio Community for the treatment of HIV / AIDS. It is a unit whose operation was stopped last January as a result of a fire that destroyed its facilities and part of the existing equipment. The lab is intended to process blood samples. Early diagnosis in infants (PCR's), counting protecting cells of the human body (CD4) and for the development of biochemical tests. Equipped with high-tech equipment, it is prepared to process three thousand samples for viral load per month. (Http://www.jornalnoticias.co.mz/pls/notimz2/getxml/pt/contentx/1134468)
Government will review the amounts paid for issuing passports and ID's - Ali Aires
The Prime Minister (PM) of Mozambique, Aires Ali yesterday announced in Maputo that the government decided to revise the current fees for the issuance of identity (BI) and the biometric passport. Ali who spoke at the National Assembly (AR) at the closing session of questions to the government, has not set a date for fee changes, but merely stated that "soon we will announce the new prices." Currently, citizens are forced to pay 180 Meticais (about five U.S. dollars) to obtain a biometric identity card. For an ordinary passport the cost is three thousand Meticais, while urgent costs 'MZN 3750. (Http://www.radiomocambique.com/rm/noticias/anmviewer.asp?a=6153&z=98)
Maringué: Police have arrested the cell as a tree
People arrested have to seat under a tree in Maringue because there is only few cells at Sofala Province. "The lack of cells is forcing detainees to stay for a longer time duration while waiting for their cases to be attended in courts. Police District Command said ". This is worsened by the fact that the building where the Police District Command is installed, is in state of disrepair which needs to be renovated or even replacement. (Http://www.radiomocambique.com/rm/noticias/anmviewer.asp?a=6136&z=98)
BMW delays £600m electric Mini factory upgrade in UK over 'uncertainty'
The vehicle manufacturer says "multiple uncertainties" in the industry led
to its decision.
3 hours ago
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