No Foreign Aid can buy Africas Poverty!
9. februar 2009
Victor Ochen; "What Africa need most from Obama’s Administration must not be capitalized foreign aid". Join the debate
Foreign aid even if it’s to be tripled won’t buy out African poverty, but rather increase the gap between the rich and the poor in Africa. It does no justice if foreign aids comes and ends up in the hand of graduate; technocrats yet real poor are dying of avoidable disease which these aids are sent for.
What Africa need most from Obama’s Administration must not be capitalized foreign aid because it always, only fuels instability, promotes confrontational politics and does no much in avoiding leaders clinging to power. The real need in Africa is for supporting legitimate political goals, addressing just grievances, and allowing life with dignity, self-determination, prosperity and freedom. These will be a fairly viable and just coexistence for all people, and will reduce desires for revenge and create hope for the future.
Much as Obama emerged to be the world hope, let’s be aware of the political pressure he is getting to deliver; and others may expect he will be the automatic solution to every world problems. But no doubt, his administration is timely and very well restored hope and confidence in the face of humanity world-over. And should help us achieve the change we want, to prevent commissioning further down fall more especially in Africa.
A far likely way to achieve in re-building Africa is by Obama and everyone in positions of influence not underestimating the power of the popular dissatisfaction from Africans about their leaders. Obama’s administration should reduce on the military funding in Africa and shape opportunities for political autonomy, participation and affordable access by all; to economic resources such as education, health and personhood. We need ranges of specific grounded efforts devoted to the practice of violence prevention, tension reduction, conflict transformation and reconciliation.
I fear the consequences of this cyclical violence and failure to respond appropriately to the devastating political damages we see in Africa. Take a breath and ask why African incumbents don’t loose elections, despite persistent poverty and poor governance! I want to congratulate Libyan President Muamar Gadafi upon his elections into the chairmanship of African Union. His excellent dream of United States of Africa is brilliant and worthy supporting; however what he would need take into account the troubled political legacies in Africa, which is a total striking contrast to global politics. I was touched by Obama’s concern about the poor nations when he said some leaders who cling to power at the expense of citizens are on the wrong side of the history.
Your Excellency Gadafi, please you need to understand the fact that Africa’s core problems are these leaders who are locked in the cycle of threats and defiance that destabilizes the force of governance in Africa. Keep the dream of United States of Africa alive, and invest wisely in people who can prove the quality of the continent.
Victor Ochen is the Director of African Youth Initiative Network in Uganda and a member of the African Youth Panel.
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1 comment:
Such an inspirational wise, and well though statement by Victor Ochen. He is another Barack Obama in the making.
Good luck Victor, your message is smart, its African and its humanely
best in life, looking forward getting to know you some times in life
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