Dear colleague,
After eleven and a half years as Director of ODI, I am handing over the post to Alison Evans. She will be Director from 1 May 2009. For the time being, I will be accredited as a Senior Research Associate, and can be reached at the e-mail address below.
International development has lived through a time of great promise and significant achievement in the last decade. I remember new commitments to poverty reduction and global goals, Financing for Development, the Jubilee Debt Campaign, Make Poverty History, the Gleneagles G8, the Paris Declaration, and much more. Aid volumes have risen sharply. Aid effectiveness has improved. More importantly, the number in poverty has fallen, more children are in school, health services are better. Conflict has reduced. Democracy and accountable governance have spread. ODI can take no credit for any of this, but we have been proud to accompany on this journey political and civil society leaders in both North and South. Our mission has been to build bridges between research and policy. In pursuing our mission, I have had the privilege of working with extraordinary colleagues, delivering research, policy advice and manifold opportunities for dissemination and debate. We have been able to deploy ODI Fellows to work in some 25 Governments around the world.
And what challenges the world now faces. The most severe financial crisis for a century, tipping tens of millions into poverty across the developing world. Climate change. Disease threats. And long term changes related to migration, urbanization and demography. The skills and spirit of ODI have never been more needed. The Institute is fortunate that Alison Evans has been appointed as Director. She will bring vision, experience and skill to the job of leading ODI. I have seen her at work as one of ODI’s Directors of Programmes. I know that the Board has made an excellent decision.
I hope you will offer Alison your friendship and support, as you have me – and that you will nurture this remarkable organization.
With thanks and all best wishes
Simon Maxwell CBE
Director's Office
Overseas Development Institute
111 Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7JD
United Kingdom
Gaza ceasefire in peril as Israel and Hamas hit impasse
Concern grows after Israel said it would block aid to Gaza unless Hamas
accepted a new US proposal.
55 minutes ago
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