1. Oxford Dictionary of Political Quotations
2. Margaret Thatcher: Iron Lady volume 2
3. Cameron on Cameron
4. Harriman's Money Miscellany
5. Vote For Caesar
6. End quote - William E. Gladstone
Note from the Editor
Dear Politico's customer,
May I begin by wishing you a Happy New Year.
We have put together an interesting range of titles for the first bulletin of 2009.
The Oxford Dictionary of Political Quotations is an encyclopedia of political thought, in the form of short quotations. The thoughts of political luminaries from the past and key figures of today are presented here in digestible and accessible form.
The heyday of Margaret Thatcher, and the 18 years of conservative rule of which she was a major part, may seem a distant memory, but John Campbell's brilliant biography recaptures the moment and describes Thatcher's 11-year premiership in detail. From an old Conservative leader, to the present one - our next pick is Cameron on Cameron, a book compiled following Dylan Jones' extensive interviews with David Cameron. This account gives a valuable insight into the thinking of the man who may well be the next UK prime minister.
Economics and money has been in the news a lot recently, and not for good reasons. The perfect pick-me-up for anyone feeling fazed by the recession and the credit crunch is Harriman's Money Miscellany.
We round off the bulletin with an amusing, but pertinent, book examining how the bureaucrats of Athens and Rome may have solved some of the problems facing modern Britain. Vote For Caesar is written by an expert in classical history.
We look forward to receiving your custom in the coming year.
Craig Pearce
Oxford Dictionary of Political Quotations
Anthony Jay
The indispensable dictionary of political quotations includes nearly 5000 quotations from 1500 authors. The quotes themselves cover hot topics of the past and present, differing in tone from profound insight to witty sound bite.
This thought-provoking and fascinating collection has been newly enlarged and updated. From Machiavelli to Nelson Mandela, Antony Jay (co-author of the famous TV series' Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister) has chosen the words and ideas which have shaped the world we live in today.
This new edition covers quotations generated by events such as the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, upheavals in the European Union, the re-election of George W. Bush, and the British Labour government's historic third term. And, of course, the gaffes and the back-biting that form the everyday currency of political in-fighting are fully detailed too.
RRP : £10.99
Special Offer : £9.89
Margaret Thatcher
Iron Lady Volume 2
John Campbell
This second volume in Campbell's ambitious biography covers the whole eleven and a half years of Margaret Thatcher's momentous premiership. Thirteen years after her removal from power, this is the first comprehensive and fully researched study of the Thatcher Government from its hesitant beginning to its dramatic end. Campbell draws on the mass of memoirs and diaries of Mrs Thatcher's colleagues, aides, advisers and rivals, as well as on original material from the Ronald Reagan archive, shedding fascinating new light on the Reagan-Thatcher 'special relationship', and on dozens of interviews.
"The Iron Lady" confirms John Campbell's "Margaret Thatcher" as one of the greatest political biographies of recent times.
The first volume of the biography was described by the Daily Telegraph as 'much the best book yet written about Lady Thatcher'. That volume, "The Grocer's Daughter", described Mrs Thatcher's childhood and early career up until the 1979 General Election which carried her into Downing Street.
You can purchase volume one at the special price of ?9.34.
RRP : £11.99
Special Offer : £10.99
Cameron on Cameron
Conversations with Dylan Jones
David Cameron and Dylan Jones
Just who does David Cameron think he is? In an engaging series of landmark interviews - that will define the would-be prime minister ahead of the next election - Dylan Jones finds out. David Cameron is asking you for the keys to Number Ten - but is he a smartly-dressed smoothie with all the right lines, or a gifted politician who instinctively understands the country's priorities? A throwback to the age when privilege brought power, or a dynamic alternative to a Labour party that has run out of ideas? Award-winning journalist Dylan Jones set out to answer these questions in a series of wide-ranging and candid interviews that will define David Cameron ahead of the next election - and for years to come.
RRP : £12.99
Special Offer : £11.04
Harriman's Money Miscellany
A collection of financial facts and corporate curiosities
Stephen Eckett and Craig Pearce
This handy-sized encyclopedia of financial facts and money data is refreshingly presented and has been compiled with the intention to surprise and amuse, as well as to inform. Readers will return again and again to its pages, and will enjoy many hours of enlightening browsing.
Topics covered are as diverse as how to discern if a euro coin was minted in Pessac, France, and advice about how to launder money. If you have ever wondered why you can't play Monopoly in Cuba or how two cows can explain economic theory, then this is the book for you. You will find the answers to these questions, and the answers to hundreds of questions you had ever even thought to ask, packed into this fun book.
RRP : £9.99
Special Offer : £6.59
Vote For Caesar
How the Ancient Greeks and Romans solved the problems of today
Peter Jones
The expansion of the congestion charge zone, prices going up on the Underground, bendy buses - all ideas brought about to try to make the traffic situation in our capital city run more smoothly. Surely there must be a better way? In fact there is. In Roman times, when the streets were even more crowded, Caesar decreed that all vehicles (except those involved in building work) were banned from the City, while Nero took advantage of a major fire to broaden the streets to improve access. Whatever the problem, from the leader whose deputy wants to replace him to the question of how to make democracy really work, you can guarantee that our Classical forebears faced the same situation and came up with some far more effective solutions than our current politicians. In this enthralling, informative and hugely entertaining book, Peter Jones, one of the UK's leading Classicists, highlights just how much we have to learn from the past and how things really were once so much better.
RRP : £9.99
Special Offer : £8.99
As a new year begins, bear in mind this advice. Do not let the mistakes or missed opportunities of 2008 hold you back, but look to the future:
'No person ever became great or good except through many and great mistakes.'
William E Gladstone
Fighting rages in Assad heartland of Syria
"Huge reinforcements" are heading to Latakia province after clashes
reportedly claim dozens of lives.
1 hour ago
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