Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Norway, NATO and nuclear weapons: Recent parliamentary developments

Jonas Gahr Støre, Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs
In early November the Norwegian Parliament Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs discussed a White Paper on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The White Paper recommends “ that Norway should take a proactive role in promoting arms control and disarmament as regards nuclear weapons, other weapons of mass destruction and conventional weapons” and argues that improved security for all can be achieved at considerably lower levels of armaments than those that exist today…Furthermore, extensive disarmament will free up substantial resources that can be used for human and social development.”

The paper supports a number of steps toward nuclear disarmament but stops short of supporting the commencement of negotiations on a Nuclear Weapons Convention quoting the view of “a number of countries” that “such negotiations would not result in an agreement, and that they could undermine the NPT.”

A counterview, that such negotiations are required in order to ensure a balanced implementation of the NPT and bring in the States not yet parties, can be found in the UN Secretary-General’s five-point plan for nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament and in the paper A Nuclear Weapons Convention and the NPT: Diversion or Enabler?

The Foreign Affairs Committee concluded mostly in favour of the White Paper and noted specifically that they “believe it is necessary that NATO continually assess its nuclear weapons strategy to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in international politics. The goal is the complete abolition of nuclear weapons.” The committee also referred to NATO’s current review of its Strategic Concept and noted that “The NATO summit in 2009 will likely decide on whether the strategic concept should be opened for changes in connection with the discussion on the transatlantic charter. The Committee believes that in this work, NATO's nuclear strategy has to be brought up for discussion."

The paper was also debated in the full parliament of Norway on 20 November coinciding with an article by Minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre "A world without nuclear weapons".

4. Denmark, the NPT and an Arctic Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone: Pugwash seminar in the Danish parliament featuring Holger Nielsen MP

Dr Hans Blix and Holger Nielsen at the Pugwash symposium
On November 17, the Danish Section of Pugwash held a symposium on Strengthening the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in the Danish parliament featuring Dr Hans Blix (Chair of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission), Holger Nielsen (PNND member and Danish member of parliament), Carlos Vargas (international lawyer from Costa Rica), Hans Christensen (Federation of American Scientists), Dr. Ali Asghar Soltaniyeh (Iranian Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency), Pol D'Huyvetter (Coordinator of Mayors for Peace 2020 Vision Campaign) and Alyn Ware (PNND Global Coordinator).

Holger Nielsen used the symposium as an opportunity to encourage the government of Denmark to support nuclear disarmament initiatives at the NPT Review Conference, develop a European Strategy for a nuclear-weapons-free world and initiate an Arctic Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone.

"Because of climate-change and the melting of ice there will be a heavy increase in ship-traffic through the North-West-Passage and the North-East-Passage. Natural resources in this area will be available and create a new base for conflicts…Tensions always get more dangerous when the involving partners possess nuclear weapons. And the Arctic has all preconditions to become a high-tension area. Therefore the Danish government should take an initiative to a treaty, where Arctic is declared a nuclear-weapon-free zone.”


A World Free of Nuclear Weapons: We are all responsible, by Holger Nielsen.
Freeing the Poles of Nuclear Conflicts? Time for an Arctic NWFZ! By Alexa McDonoughand Alyn Ware

5. PNND member Paul Helminger joins Hiroshima mayor in promoting the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Protocol

Luxembourg Mayor Paul Helminger
On November 9, Luxembourg Mayor Paul Helminger hosted an academic conference at Luxembourg City Hall featuring Tadatoshi Akiba, Mayor of Hiroshima and President of Mayors for Peace. Mayor Helminger, who also serves in the Luxembourg parliament and is a member of PNND, used the occasion to join Mayor Akiba in promoting the Hiroshima-Nagasaki protocol – a proposal to the States Parties to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to adopt a plan for the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons leading to a nuclear weapons convention.

In his speech to the conference Mayor Helminger stressed the importance of cities becoming involved in international issues particularly relating to peace and security. He noted in particular the role that the city of Luxembourg has played in the development of economic and political institutions that have helped build a more cooperative security in Europe.

With regard to nuclear weapons, Mayor Helminger reaffirmed that the only way to protect citizens in cities from a nuclear attack is to achieve the total abolition of nuclear weapons. Mayors and parliamentarians have similar roles in protecting their constituencies from the threat of nuclear catastrophe. In this regard, PNND and Mayors for Peace collaborate on a number of initiatives including the Statement of Mayors and Parliamentarians for a Nuclear Weapons Free World.

See also US Conference of Mayors Adopts Resolution in support Hiroshima-Nagasaki Protocol

6. Czech Mayors request Barack Obama to review missile plan

On 22 November, 31 mayors from the Czech Republic sent a letter to US President-elect Barack Obama urging him to review the US plan to deploy a military radar base on Czech territory as part of the US National Missile Defense (NMD) system. The mayors noted that the Czech government has signed agreements with the United States that are due to be ratified shortly by the Parliament, but that two thirds of the Czech citizenry do not agree with the arrangement.

"The plan to place elements of this system in the heart of Europe is causing tension between USA and Russia, as well as between USA and the European Union, and will lead to a new expansion of the arms race. We are concerned that due to this advanced system, Europe will become the main battlefield in a potential international conflict and that the Czech Republic would be, due to the radar, the target of a first attack. The matter is made even more sensitive by the fact that after the fall of communism in 1989, the Czech people vowed that a foreign army would never again be stationed on their territory."

President-elect Obama has not yet replied to the letter. However, during the US election campaign Obama announced a cautionary approach to missile defence deployment in Europe stating that it “ must be proven to work and pursued as part of an integrated approach that uses the full range of nonproliferation policy tools in response to the full range of threats we face. As president, I will make sure any missile defense, including the one proposed for Europe, has been proven to work and has our allies’ support before we deploy it.”

7. Scottish parliament update

Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond
In October 2007 Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond sent a letter to States Parties to the Non-Proliferation Treaty requesting observer status for Scotland at the 2010 NPT Review Conference. Salmond indicated the support from his government for the NPT and the interest of Scotland in the NPT Review Conference considering that UK nuclear weapons are deployed on submarines based in Faslane, Scotland. He noted that in June 2007 the Scottish Parliament had debated the role that Scotland could play in encouraging UK action to honour and implement their obligations under the NPT, and in this regard had voted to oppose renewal of the UK Trident nuclear weapons system (See Scotland asks for observer status at the NPT).

The request for NPT observer status has been supported by Scottish parliamentarians, most recently in June this year by parliament motion S3M-00146 submitted by Sandra White MSP . The motion “considers it appropriate for Scotland to be accorded observer status to the committee in view of the precedent set by Palestine and the fact that Britain’s nuclear deterrent, the Trident missile system, is stationed in Scotland, and encourages the Scottish Executive to consider what course of action could be taken to achieve this end.”

PNND Global Coordinator Alyn Ware and Marlyn Glen MSP with a parliamentary declaration supporting a nuclear weapons convention

On November 19, PNND Global Coordinator Alyn Ware spoke to a cross-party group of Scottish parliamentarians on ways that they could become active in disarmament initiatives at the NPT including promotion of negotiations for a Nuclear Weapons Convention. A number of parliamentarians at the meeting endorsed the Parliamentary Declaration Supporting a Nuclear Weapons Convention which PNND plans to present to the NPT Prep Com and the United Nations General Assembly in 2009.

The meeting was preceded by motion S3M-02625 submitted by Jamie Hepburn MSP commending Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament . The motion “welcomes the cross-party, cross-ideological and international approach adopted by PNND to this issue; congratulatesPNND for its work, and calls on all members of the Parliament with an interest in nuclear disarmament to consider endorsing the parliamentary statement supporting a nuclear weapons convention being circulated by PNND, which will be presented to the United Nations to support disarmament initiatives.”

On September 17, 2008 Bill Kidd MSP submitted motion S3M-2557 honouring PNND supporter and long-time nuclear disarmament advocate Dr Alan F Phillips who passed away in August. The motion “notes with sadness the passing away of Dr Alan F Phillips, who dedicated much of his life work to the elimination of nuclear weapons as a result of his involvement in the early development of radar during World War Two, leading to him becoming a leader in the field of radiation therapy and clinical radiotherapy, which in turn allowed him to gain an intimate understanding of the secrets of the atom that imbued him with a unique moral imperative to work for nuclear weapons elimination, and hopes that his passion and dedication to nuclear disarmament will serve as a shining example to all those seeking the same.” For a further tribute to Dr Phillips click here.

8. PNND member appointed New Zealand Minister for Disarmament

Georgina Te Huehue
PNND member Georgina Te Huehue has been appointed the New Zealand Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control in the new government formed by the National Party following elections on November 8. New Zealand is currently the only country in the world which has a ministerial position specifically on disarmament and arms control. Ms Te Huehue has been a member of parliament since 1996. She was the first Maori (indigenous New Zealander) woman to gain a law degree in New Zealand. She is member of the Ngāti Tuwharetoa Iwi (tribe) and has long been active in indigenous issues, including having served on the Waitangi Tribunal (the key tribunal on indigenous claims). Ms Te Huehue also holds the positions of Minister for Courts, Minister for Pacific Island Affairs and Associate Minister of Maori Affairs.

9. Stay informed on United Nations disarmament events with UNODA Updates

Sergio Duarte (UN High Representative for Disarmament) and Tadatoshi Akiba (Mayor of Hiroshima) unveiling an atom bomb exhibit at the United Nations.

The United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs produces an excellent email and online update on United Nations disarmament issues and initiatives (UNODA Update).

The November 2008 issue includes:

UN Secretary-General’s five-point nuclear disarmament plan
UN Secretary-General’s speech at Harvard on the five most pressing international issues
UN First Committee (Disarmament and Security) 2008 session conclusion and summary
UN Biological Incident Database
Peru destroys 100 tonnes of firearms
Launch of new UN Disarmament website


1. UN Security Council calls for reduction in global military spending

2. PNND and the IPU: The UN and Human Security

3. Norway, NATO and nuclear weapons: Recent parliamentary developments

4. Denmark, the NPT and an Arctic Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone

5. PNND member Paul Helminger promotes the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Protocol

6. Czech Mayors request Barack Obama to review missile plan

7. Scottish parliament update

8. PNND member appointed NZ Minister for Disarmament

9. Stay informed on United Nations disarmament events with UNODA Updates


Anonymous said...

As a citizen of Scotland I am so grateful to all the dedicated people who are working to eleiminate the scourge of nuclear weapons from our world.Living as I do only thirty miles from the UK's Trident nuclear base I do hope that Scotland will be represented by our First Minister Alex Salmond at the forthcoming NPT discussions


Dear friend,

I do share your concerns. So let's build a global human chain to force politicians to listenm to your concerns, afterall they are elected to represent our views not just theirs!

Quite recently I was in Oso, Norway were we banned cluster munitions!
Let's do it again, because I believe that '(Yes) WE CAN'!
Yours, Manuel de Araujo