Friday, 5 December 2008

Mozambique Political Process Bulletin

2008 Local Election Issue 19 – 4 December 2008
Published frequently during the election period
Editor: Joseph Hanlon (
Deputy editor: Adriano Nuvunga – Research Assistant: Tania Frechauth
Published by AWEPA, the European Parliamentarians for Africa,
and CIP, Centro de Integridade Publica

CNE confirms Nacala 2nd round
and Frelimo victory in 41 of 43

Official results announced Thursday afternoon by the National Elections Commission confirms Frelimo’s landslide victory in 41 of the 43 municipalities.

But in the other two, where Frelimo had claimed victory and been given victory by the city elections commissions, the CNE ruled otherwise. In Nacala neither mayoral candidate has a majority – present Renamo mayor Manuel dos Santos has 47.8% and Frelimo challenger Chale Ossufo has 49.8%, so there will be a second round contest between the two in January. The city election commission had given Ossufo just above 50%, but the parallel count conducted by the Electoral Observatory, and editais (results sheets) provided by Renamo, both showed under 50%.

In Beira the overwhelming victory of the present mayor, Daviz Simango, was never in question. But Frelimo claimed a majority in the city assembly and this was announced by the city election commission. Again the parallel count disagreed and said no majority, and this was confirmed by the National Elections Commission. As predicted, Frelimo will have 19 seats, Renamo 17, the independent group GDB 7, PIMO 1 and PDD 1.

Beira and Nacala show the importance of both parallel counts and of giving copies of the editais to the political parties and observers. City elections commissions bent under strong political pressure, but the CNE could not.

Full results tomorrow

A complete table of results will be distributed tomorrow (Friday).

Mozambique Political Process Bulletin
Editor: Joseph Hanlon (
Deputy editor: Adriano Nuvunga -- Research assistant: Tania Frechauth
Material may be freely reprinted and circulated. Please cite the Bulletin.
Published by AWEPA, the European Parliamentarians for Africa,
and CIP, Centro de Integridade Publica
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