Monday, 8 December 2008


Dear Friends,

The Crisis Coalition reports today that a further two employees of the Zimbabwe Peace Project Broderick Takawira and Pascal Gonzo have been abducted by 6 men driving an unmarked car. This follows the adduction of the Director of the ZPP, Jestina Mukoko last Wednesday. This follows reports that the brother of one of the leading human rights lawyers in the country was also abducted in Masvingo on Friday.

This seems to indicate that the abductions that were frequent in the eve of the so-called re-run election in June is back and increasing which is very worrying.

The main body for civil society in Zimbabwe, NANGO have in a statement released yesterday in Harare, joined others in demanding the release of Jestina and other prisoners of conscience. The statement can be found on the following link:

NANGO has today been sent a letter from the police in which they state that they are not holding Jestina in any of their police cells. A copy of the letter can be sent to you on request.

Similarly the Zimbabwe Election Support Network, which had Jestina as one of its board members, put out a statement yesterday:

Also the regional office of MISA has called for her release:

The Zimbabwe Advocacy Office has similarly today sent an appeal to the Special Procedures of the UN for action on behalf of Geneva. Find the appeal on

The Norwegian Government put out a statement yesterday, condemning the abduction:

Aids-Free World on Friday called for an Emergency Session of the UN Security Council on the “Government’s Rape Campaign in Zimbabwe” in an open letter to the Council’s 15 members. Find the letter attached.

A campaign for Jestina’s release on facebook is posting updates as they come in. If you want to join use this link:

In other news, The Elders released their report on the recent Southern Africa visit of three Elders: Graca Machel, Kofi Annan and Jimmy Carter, yesterday. The Elders state that the “Current Government cannot lead Zimbabwe out of the Humanitarian Crisis”. Read the press statement and full report on:

The EU’s General Affairs and External Relations Council is currently meeting and among other issues discussing the worrying situation in Zimbabwe, including the abductions. However the meeting has been delayed and the final communiqué will only be released later tonight. However, the UK put out a statement in the wake of the meeting supporting Kenya’s Prime Minister Odinga’s view that Mugabe’s time is up:

Lastly we would want to congratulate our member organisation ZimRights on their 15^th Anniversary which will be celebrated at the Art Gallery in Bulawayo on Saturday 13^th from 0930-1400 hours. ZimRights is also having a Human Rights Day Commemoration at Magunje Growth Point on the 10^th from 1000 to 1700 hours.

International Liaison Office
Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum
56-64 Leonard Street
London, EC2A 4LT
Tel: +44-(0)20-7065-0945 Email: and ~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum has been in existence since January 1998. The Forum consists of 16 Zimbabwean human rights organisations. The Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum operates a Research and Documentation Unit and offers legal services through the Public Interest Unit from the Headquarters in Harare, in addition to the information service that is offered internationally from the International Liaison Office. For more details consult our webpage

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