Dear Friends
Our mailing today focuses on a range of responses to the power sharing agreement signed in Harare yesterday. The full text of the agreement can be read on line at
On 15.9.08, The Zimbabwe Congress of Trades Unions (ZCTU) issued a Press Statement regarding its position on the outcome of the agreement between ZANU PF and the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).
The Congress of South African Trade Unions issued aPress Statement on 16.09.08 noting the agreement signed by leaders of the political parties and re-iterating their view that it is only the people of Zimbabwe who must judge whether or
not this deal is in their interests.
Prior to yesterday’s power sharing agreement, the United Nations Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon welcomed the agreement announced on 11.09.08 in a brief statement on that occasion during which he expressed the hope it would ‘pave the way for a durable peace and recovery in the country and contribute to rapid improvement in the welfare and human rights of the people of Zimbabwe’. This can be read via the following link
In a further statement released on 15.09.08 the Secretary-General’s envoy to Zimbabwe and the Assistant Secretary-General, Haile Menkerios, attended the signing ceremony. His remarks can be read at
The Council of the European Union adopted conclusions on Zimbabwe yesterday following the 2889th External Relations Council meeting in Brussels on the 15 and 16 September 2008 . The Council welcomes the conclusion of the political agreement. It undertakes to study the details of the agreement and to be attentive to its implementation. The Council remains concerned about the humanitarian situation in the country and notes the EU’s continued readiness to provide aid and support to the Zimbabwean people and to adopt economic support measures to support a transitional government taking the steps to restore democracy and the rule of law in Zimbabwe . The full conclusions can be read via the following web link.
Oxfam International responded to the news of the power sharing deal in a Press Statement released yesterday, 15.09.08 which prioritises the rebuilding of Zimbabwe ’s shattered economy. The full statement can be read on line at
What will Starmer’s defence spending buy from Trump?
Plus: Amol & Nick talk tactics over PM-President meets & remember past
awkward encounters.
6 hours ago
Nossa África está cada vez pior.
E os nossos lideres, diplomatas, cientistas, estudantes, etc estão todos com os dentes fora.
Só mesmo em África onde um Presidente PERDE e acha que deve continuar no poder, mais ainda Chissanos, e companhias aplaudem que um Corrupto, Ladrão, com anos em frente de Zimbabwe não quer largar o OSSO.
E Eduardo dos Santos! Apartir do momento que se tornaram presidente, acham que compraram um terreno grande.
Alias, só mesmo em África onde um senhor de 40 anos é comparado ao Europeu de 7 anos.
Caro anonymous,
o que aquele barba azul do Mugabe merece eh um belo chute no traseiro e pagar (se eh que eh possivel) por todo o sofrimento que fez passar aos seus e todo o resto. Mas esta visto que por estas pandas o poder tem donos!
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