Dear Friends
On 17.09.08 the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum issued a Press Statement cautiously welcoming of the “historic” power sharing agreement and expressing the sincere hope that it will usher in a new era of social and economic resurgence, political stability, respect for the rule of law and fundamental rights. The Forum is encouraged by the several provisions in the agreement that alludes to the need for justice and redress for all politically motivated violence. It urges the “new Government” to endeavour to establish a transitional justice process based on a number of fundamental principles as articulated in the recently concluded transitional justice workshop hosted by the Forum.
Also on 17.09.08, our member organisation Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) issued a Press Statement with a cautious reception to the signing of the power sharing agreement by the political leaders of ZANU-PF in Zimbabwe and the two formations of the MDC. ZLHR acknowledges a number of positive aspects to the agreement notably the emphasis on economic recovery, growth and stability amongst a range of other aspects. However ZLHR also raises numerous concerns about the agreement, most fundamentally around the process envisaged for constitutional reform amongst a range of other serious issues. The full statement is attached here. ZLHR plans to undertake and publish a further comprehensive analysis of the agreement and its implications in the future.
The Zimbabwe National Union of Students (ZINASU) released a statement on 17.8.09 cautiously welcoming the deal by the representatives of the three political parties in Zimbabwe, but warning that ZANU PF has a history of ‘unfaithfulness’. Their statement reiterates a number of key demands, notably the improvement in living and learning conditions for students, the restoration of academic freedoms and the lifting of suspensions and expulsions of student leaders. The statement adds that ZINASU is conducting nationwide consultations with its members ahead of an anticipated further comprehensive response to the inter-party deal.
Finally, in a decision at the recently concluded Bureau meetings of ACP/EU JPA (African Caribbean Pacific / European Union Joint Parliamentary Assembly) held in Brussels on 9 -11 September 2008, Zimbabwe was adopted as one of the two countries, together with Mauritania to be discussed by the ACP-EU JPA due to take place in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea on 25 -28 November 2008. The Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum plans to have representation at this meeting and we will give you feedback after this meeting occurs.
Man admits stalking Strictly Come Dancing judge Shirley Ballas
Kyle Shaw, 37, pleaded guilty to stalking the Strictly Come Dancing judge
between 2017 and 2023.
1 hour ago
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