Monday, 4 August 2008

Sera o principio do fim de Gordon Brown?

Blairites will turn up heat on Brown
By George Parker, Political Editor

Senior Blairites are planning to turn up the political heat on Gordon Brown this summer, with a series of articles and speeches intended to highlight what they see as the prime minister’s timidity in the face of a gathering economic storm.
Stephen Byers, former education secretary, set the tone on Sunday when he claimed Mr Brown’s policy prescriptions were more appropriate to a “Sunday afternoon stroll” than climbing an electoral mountain.

Mr Byers is one of a number of Blairite modernisers intending to lay down policy battle lines before what some believe will be a bloody September, possibly culminating in a leadership challenge.
Charles Clarke, former home secretary, and Alan Milburn, former health secretary, are among those outside the cabinet formulating policies to take forward Tony Blair’s modernisation agenda.
They are co-ordinating their positions closely with Blairite cabinet ministers including David Miliband, foreign secretary, who made a thinly disguised claim to the leadership last week, James Purnell, work and pensions secretary, Ruth Kelly, transport secretary, and John Hutton, business secretary.
“We are discussing whether we should bring forward some of these ideas in the next few days or wait until later in August,” said one MP involved in the talks.
For more details please click here

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