Tuesday 12 August 2008


STATEMENT of the New Rights Party of Georgia

Regarding Military Aggression Committed by Russia against Georgia
In August 2008 situation in Tskhinvali region (Georgia) became very tense and finally turned
into large-scale military conflict between Georgian and Russian armies. Russia’s military
aggression against sovereign State of Georgia is still going on.
· It is already fourth day as Russian military forces are executing military operations and mass air raid that exceed boundaries of Tskhinvali region and spread on entire territory of Georgia;
· Russian military aviation deliberately destroys the communications and infrastructure in Georgia, with the consequent death and injury of hundreds of peaceful inhabitants. Georgian State incurred immense material losses;
· 58th army of Russia occupied Tskhinvali region and does not allow Georgian side to help out the injured and dead;
· Number of IDPs from Tskhinvali region reaches tens of thousands and Georgia faces humanitarian catastrophe.

We would like to state the following:

· The international community should admit that Russia attempts to annex
sovereign Georgia;
· The international community should make more efficient steps than just calling upon both sides to cease-fire;
· Russia justifies its military aggression against Georgia with the necessity to protect own citizens. We consider that conducting war against sovereign state with this excuse is very dangerous doctrine, which can be spread to the principles of border stability and State security in OSCE space.
· We consider categorically unacceptable any talks about reviewing State borders and encroaching upon Georgia’s territorial integrity. Any peace agreements should be based on the principles of border stability recognized internationally.

We call upon international community and governments of Georgia’s friend countries to become more efficiently involved in the process of protecting Georgia, in order to stop Russian aggression, cease cease-fire and withdraw Russian army and armament from Georgian territories territories.
We express hope that the events of August 2008 will not stop process of Georgia’s integration into NATO, since onwards Georgia will need more effective international guarantees for security and protecting sovereignty.
New Rights Party (Georgia)
August 11, 2008

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