O equipa chefiada pelo ex-Secretario Geral da ONU Kofi Annan marcou o seu primeiro golo ao conseguir aquilo que ha dias parecia impossivel:trazer a mesma mesa os dois beligerantes no conflito Queniano: Mwai Kibaki e Raila Odinga.
De facto, Annan conseguiu isolar as alas duras das duas partes, tendo em primeiro lugar mantido encontros separados para depois traze-los a mesma mesa. Depois do encontro os dois representanes as partes beligerantes apertaram a mao e fizeram declaracoes a imprensa. Contudo, foi numaessas declaracoes, que me parece nao terem sido pre-aprovadas anteriormente, que parece residir, se nao se acautelar, as sementes para um renovar da tensao. E que o Presidente Kibaki fez questao de introduzir uma expressao que a primeira vista parece inofensiva, mas que esta inestada de veneno e pode por em causa todo o processo-afirmou, 'depois de ter tomado posse', o que em meandros diplomaticos pode significar que ele parte para as negociacoes nao numa situcao de igualdade mas sim como presidente!
Como nao deixaria de ser a oposicao reagiu imediatamente aos novos desenvolvimentos, e esperamos que a equipa de Annan consiga debelar este restio de chama para o bem dos pores de Eldorado que ja perderam tudo o que tinham a perder.
Sera altura de darmos os nossos parabens a Anna? Para ja acho que sim pois Annan e a sua equipa deram um passo decisivo ao trazer a mesm mesa os dois irmaos. Conseqguiram aquilo que a Uniao Africana, Tenday Frazier, Desmond Tutu, Kenneth Kaunda, Yoweri Musseveni nao tinham conseguido. Mas nao e tudo, falta a fase crucial do processo, o desenho de um 'road-map' para a solucao definitica do problema ou seja a investigacao das irregularidades e a solucao a dar a crise Queniana.
Para ja, ao fim da primeira parte da partida oemos proclamar os resultados : Koffi Annan 1 -Quenia 1.
Um abraco,
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14 hours ago
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Kenyan rivals meet face-to-face
Earlier attempts to get the rival leaders to hold talks failed
The rivals meet
Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki and the opposition leader, Raila Odinga, have met for the first time since last month's disputed presidential election.
The talks in Nairobi were mediated by former UN chief Kofi Annan, who said some first steps had been taken towards a peaceful solution to the crisis.
Weeks of violence followed the election results, which Mr Odinga has rejected.
After the talks, his party condemned a statement by Mr Kibaki in which he said he was the "duly elected president".
Meanwhile, Human Rights Watch issued a report accusing opposition officials of helping to organise ethnic violence in the Rift Valley region, in which hundreds of Mr Kibaki's Kikuyu community were deliberately targeted and killed.
I can't go back to Kapkenduywa primary school because I will be killed by attackers
Kimani Nganga Maruge
Kenya's oldest school pupil
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Ethnic attacks 'planned'
"We have evidence that Orange Democratic Movement politicians and local leaders actively fomented some post-election violence," said Human Rights Watch's acting Africa director.
ODM spokesman Salim Lone said HRW should provide concrete evidence before jeopardising mediation efforts. The party has denied previous accusations of ethnic cleansing.
The unrest triggered by the election on 27 December has left more than 650 people dead and driven 250,000 from their homes.
'Extra mile'
The breakthrough meeting, which last about one-and-a-half hours, was hosted by Mr Annan at the president's office at Harambee House in central Nairobi.
Afterwards, the former UN secretary general emerged to say progress had been made during the meeting, describing it as "a very encouraging development".
We have taken the first vital steps in resolving electoral disputes - I ask everyone to be patient and uphold peace in a spirit of brotherhood
Raila Odinga
Orange Democratic Movement
"I think we have begun to take some first steps towards a peaceful solution of the problem, and as you can see, the two leaders are here to underline their engagement to dialogue and to work together for a just and sustainable peace," he said.
He was followed by Mr Odinga and Mr Kibaki, who both made statements in front of dozens of cameramen and journalists outside, and a few hundred people who had gathered in the street opposite.
Both men shook hands with broad smiles and expressed their commitment to peace and asked their supporters to maintain calm as they continued the newly established dialogue.
"We have taken the first vital steps in resolving electoral disputes," Mr Odinga said.
"I pledge to all Kenyans that my team and I will spare no effort to resolve this crisis," he added. "We are ready to walk the extra mile if that will enable Kenyans to get peace."
Mr Kibaki also welcomed the talks and insisted he was committed to dialogue.
"As government, we are determined to get to the underlying causes of these unprecedented events and to lead the nation in a process of healing, reconciliation and lasting harmony," he said after Mr Odinga's statement.
Onlookers clapped and cheered as the two rivals shook hands
Differences between the two remained, however, with Mr Odinga insisting on a sustainable peace being dependent on justice and Mr Kibaki stating he had been "sworn in as your duly elected president of Kenya".
Mr Kibaki's comment was later criticised by the opposition, who said it showed he had "no intention whatsoever of embarking on this journey with the people of Kenya".
"We denounce and categorically reject the unfortunate statement from Mr Mwai Kibaki that he is the duly elected president of Kenya and that the current crisis can be resolved internally," ODM Secretary General Anyang N'yongo said.
The BBC's Adam Mynott in Nairobi says the symbolism and significance of this meeting was enormous, but there is still a great deal of work to be done and compromise required for them to resolve their differences and reach an agreed way forward.
Detailed talks between the rivals are due to begin in the morning.
The announcement of the talks came as a surprise to many in Nairobi. Several earlier attempts to get the rivals to meet had failed, with Mr Kibaki insisting on direct talks and Mr Odinga refusing to meet without a mediator.
On Wednesday, Mr Odinga called off a mass protest planned for Thursday in Nairobi after holding talks with Mr Annan.
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