Monday, 21 January 2008

Anders Nordstrom: Novo Director para a ASDI!

A Ministra da Cooperacao Internacional da Suecia Gunilla Carlsson, nomeou Anders Nordstrom para o cargo de director da Agencia Suenca para Desenvolvimento. Anders foi funcionario senior da Organizacao Mundial da Saude, da ASDI e da Cruz Vermelha Internacional, tendo trabalhado em varios paises como Zambia, Irao, Cambodja. A nomeacao de Anders decorre numa altura crucial em que o novo governo do Centro-Direita na Suecia esta num processo de reformulacao da sua politica externa, com vista a uma melhor racionalizacao dos seus recursos. No processo de racionalizacao paises como a Nicaragua e Angola ficaram comos seus pacotes de ajuda internacional seriamente reduzidos enquanto que Mocambique suplantou a Tanzania, acabando por ser o pais que mais ajuda externa Sueca recebe.

Aquando das ultimas vistas que efectuei a Suecia o ano transacto notei a azafama dos funcionarios ligados quer ao Ministerio dos Negocios Estrangeiros quer da ASDI no sentido de compreender na integra e interiorizar o sentido das novas mudancas. Notei tambem alguma insatisfacao por parte de sectores importantes da sociedade civil Sueca em relacao a nova politica, pois na sua optica tal politica 'resumia-se' na diminuicao dos pacotes da ajuda aos paises em desenvolvimento, enquanto que oficiais superiores ligados a nova administracao defendiam que as mudancas eram necessarias pois a Suecia estava a dispender muitos recursos sem criterios rigorisos para medir o seu impacto, dai anecesidade de mudancas radicais na forma como era concebida e era gerida a politica de ajuda.

Penso que a experiencia que Anders vai razer ao posto ira fortalecer e profissionalisar as mudancas imprimidas pela nova politica de cooperacao internacional da Suecia.

E espero que os nossos jovens quer na Embaixada em Estocolmo,Suecia, quer no MINEC em Maputo, sabiam capitalizar este momento impar de redefinacao da politica de cooperacao Sueca.
Um abraco,

Manuel de Araujo
Press release
18 October 2007
Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Anders Nordström new Director-General and head of Sida
The Government today appointed Anders Nordström as the new Director-General and head of Sida.

"I am both delighted and proud to have been able to recruit Anders Nordström to head Sida. Anders combines extensive knowledge of development assistance with impressive experience of change management in large organisations. I am convinced that he has the leadership qualities needed to strengthen Sida's ability to enhance the quality and effectiveness of Swedish development assistance," comments Gunilla Carlsson, Minister for Development Cooperation.

Anders Nordström is at present Assistant Director-General of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and will take up his new post on 28 January 2008. He has a solid background in international development cooperation and since 2003 has been working at the WHO in Geneva, where between May 2006 and January 2007 he was acting Director-General. The WHO has 9 000 employees in 140 countries.

Anders Nordström has previously worked for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Geneva, for Sida in Stockholm and Zambia, and for the Red Cross in Cambodia and Iran. Anders has also worked as a medical practitioner.

The appointment came after a very thorough recruitment process, in which the Government advertised for a new head and Director-General of Sida. The advertisement appeared in five daily newspapers. A total of 55 applications were received for the position before the closing date. In conjunction with the advertising process, the Government Offices worked with a recruitment agency, which ran a parallel search using the person specification that had been drawn up.



Assistant Director-General - Health Systems and Services
Former Acting Director-General (23 May 2006 - 3 January 2007)

WHO/Chris Black

A medical doctor from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, Anders Nordström has a background that combines development experience in the field, national and international health policy and planning, and strategic leadership. His first assignments were with the Swedish Red Cross in Cambodia and the International Committee of the Red Cross in Iran. He worked for the Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency (SIDA) for 12 years, including three years as Regional Advisor in Zambia and four years as head of the Health Division in Stockholm.

In 2002 he was the Interim Executive Director for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. In this capacity he laid the foundations for the Fund's present structure and managed the first round of proposals and the recruitment of the first Executive Director. Prior to joining WHO, Anders Nordström was engaged in global health policy dialogue, with a special focus on issues related to health systems and human resources.

Anders Nordström was appointed as Assistant Director-General for General Management in July 2003 and focused his work on improving the organization's effectiveness and efficiency through systematic management reforms. Following the sudden death of the former Director-General Dr LEE Jong-wook on 22 May 2006, Dr Nordström was appointed Acting Director-General of WHO from 23 May 2006 until 3 January 2007.

From 1 March 2007, Anders Nordström is leading the establishment of a new cluster focusing on health systems strengthening and scaling up of health services.

Ivone Soares said...

Alô, de volta a terra! Novos poemas. Confira colega,
