Issue 45 – 1 February 2010
Editor: Joseph Hanlon (
Deputy Editor: Adriano Nuvunga
Material may be freely reprinted. Please cite the Bulletin.
Published by CIP and AWEPA
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New government in detail
There are few changes in the government announced by President Armando Guebuza for his second term. Most of the 28 ministers remain in place. In this issue, we provide full lists and extended details on members of the government.
The main change is the appointment of Aires Aly as Prime Minister, replacing Luisa Diogo. A close ally of the President, Aly had been Minister of Education and Culture, and before that governor of Niassa and then Inhambane. From 1976 to 1995 he held various posts in Education.
The Ministry of Education and Culture is split in two. The new Education Minister is Zeferino Martins, who under President Joaquim Chissano had been a Deputy Minister of Education, and most recently was Executive Director of the Commission for the Reform of Professional Education (COREP). Vice ministers are Arlindo Chilundo (director of the Frelimo Central Party School in Matola), food scientist Leda Florinda Hugo, and Augusto Jone Luis.
The new Culture Minister is poet Armando Artur Joao.
Cadmiel Muthemba moves from the Ministry of Fisheries to replace Felicio Zacarias as Minister of Public Works and Housing.
Iolanda Cintura, formerly National Director of Liquid Fuels in the Ministry of Energy, becomes Minister of Women’s Affairs and Social Welfare, replacing Virgilia Matabele.
Carmelita Namashalua is promoted to Minister of State Administration, replacing Lucas Chomera who becomes deputy speaker of parliament.
The two ministers in the presidency have been changed. In place of Diplomatic Affairs and Parliamentary Affairs will be ministers for Social Affairs (former Veterans Minister Feliciano Gundana) and Parliamentary, Municipal and Provincial Assembly Affairs (Adelaide Amurane, a former Deputy Minister of Labour under Chissano)
The name of the Veterans Ministry is changed in Portuguese, from Assuntos dos Antigos Combatentes to simply Combatentes.
There is a confusion about the spelling of the name of the new Prime Minister. Frelimo on its website for the Political Commission uses Aly, but the President’s office in announcing the appointment used Ali.
Guebuza targets urban poverty
Urban poverty will be the target of President Armando Guebuza in his second term, after a first term which concentrated on rural areas. He stressed this in his inaugural speech on 14 January, and in a 7 January posting on his blog:
He accepts that jobs are fundamental to beating urban poverty, and argues that the public and formal private sectors will not create enough jobs. He urges people in the informal sector to form associations of people in similar businesses and use them to raise Mozambique Political Process Bulletin 45 – 1 February 2010 – 2
money to build better working facilities, to innovate, and to raise standards.
He says that the vast majority of car workshops are precarious and improvised. Some have functioned in this way for many years, and their operators have no vision of growth or specialization. By forming associations, they can train and grow and construct proper workshops.
Each group, from barbers to electricians to the young men who guard cars should form associations, the President argues.
He notes that in towns and cities there is a growth of new workshops, such as carpentry and block-making. But too often these are backyard workshops, with poor working conditions and making poor quality products. There is more food processing, such as making fruit juices and cakes, and more bars and restaurants, but with no control of hygiene.
The need is to professionalise these services and production, raising standards and increasing production, and especially creating space for innovation to create improved and new products.
The new government
(U = unchanged, PC = Frelimo Political Commission)
President of the Republic
Armando Emilio Guebuza (U, PC)
Prime Minister
Aires Bonifácio Aly (Was Education Minister, PC)
Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Minister – Oldemiro Júlio Marques Balói (U)
Vice Ministers - Henrique Alberto Banze and José Eduardo Koloma (U)
Minister – Filipe Jacinto Nyussi (U)
Vice Minister – Agostinho Monjane (U)
Minister – José Condungua Pacheco (U, PC)
Vice Minister – José de Jesus Mateus Pedro Mandra (U)
Minister – Manuel Chang (U)
Vice Minister – Pedro Conceição Couto (U)
Planning and Development
Minister – Aiuba Cuereneia (U, PC)
Vice Minister – Maria José Lucas (Was Vice Minister for Civil Service)
State Administration
Minister – Carmelita Rita Namashulua (was Vice-Minister)
Vice-Minister – José Tsambe (formerly Frelimo First Secretary in Gaza)
Transport and Communications
Minister – Paulo Zucula (U)
Minister – Soares Bonhaza Nhaca (U)
Vice Minister – António Raul Limbau (was Sofala provincial director of agriculture)
Minister – Zeferino de Alexandre Martins (was executive director of Commission to Reform Technical Education, COREP).
Vice-Ministers – Arlindo Chilundo, Augusto Jone Luís and Leda Florinda Hugo
Minister – Maria Helena Taípo (U)
Minister – Esperança Laurinda Francisco Nhiuane Bias (U)
Vice-Minister – Abdul Razak Noormahomed (U)
Minister – Salvador Namburete (U)
Vice-Minister – Jaime Himede (U)
Minister – Fernando Sumbana Júnior (U)
Vice-Minister – Rosário Mualeia (U)
Industry and Trade
Minister – António Fernando (U)
Vice-Minister – Kenneth Viagem Marizane
Minister – Paulo Ivo Albasini Teixeira Garrido (U)
Minister – Alcinda António de Abreu (U, PC)
Vice-Minister – Ana Paula Samo Gudo Chichava (U)
Public Works and Housing
Minister – Cadmiel Filiane Muthemba (was Fisheries Minister)
Vice-Minister – Carvalho Muária (was governor of Zambézia)
Science and Technology
Minister – Venâncio Simão Massingue (U)
Civil Service
Minister – Vitória Dias Diogo (U)
Vice-Minister – Abdurremane Lino de Almeida (U)
Minister – Maria Benvinda Delfina Levy (U)
Vice-Minister – Alberto Hawa Januário Nkutumula (was a judge)
Minister – Victor Manuel Borges (was Vice-Minister)
Vice-Minister – Gabriel Serafim Muthisse (was Vice-Minister of Public Works)
Women and Social Action
Minister – Iolanda Maria Pedro Campos Cintura
Vice-Ministro – Virgílio Feliciano Mateus
Centralised decentralisation
“We are launching a centralised mechanism to drive a successful decentralisation for local government, where the district serves as our development pole.”
President Armando Guebuza, speaking at the swearing in ceremony of the new government, 18 January.
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Minister – Armando Artur João
Minister – Mateus Óscar Kida
Vice-Minister – Marcelino Liphola
Youth and Sport
Minister – Pedrito Fuleda Caetano
Vice-Minister – Carlos José Castro de Sousa (U)
President’s Office
Minister – António Correia Fernandes Sumbana (U)
In the Presidency, for Parliamentary, Municipal and Provincial Assembly Affairs
Minister – Adelaide Anchia Amurane
In the Presidency, For Social Matters
Minister – Feliciano Salomão Gundana.(was Veterans Minister)
Provincial Governors
Niassa – David Ngoane Marizane (ex district administrator)
Cabo Delgado – Eliseu Joaquim Machava (U)
Nampula – Felismino Tocole (U)
Zambézia – Francisco Itai Meque (was Inhambane)
Tete – Alberto Clementino António Vaquina (was Sofala)
Manica – Ana Comoana
Sofala – Mauricio Vieira (was Manica)
Inhambane – Agostinho Abacar Trinta (ex first secretary)
Gaza – Raimundo Maico Diomba (U)
Maputo – Maria Elias Jonas (ex district administrator)
Maputo City – Lucilia Nota Hama
Parliament names commissions
Parliament (Assembleia da República) has named its officials. Frelimo named Veronica Macamo as president (speaker). She takes over from Eduardo Mulembue, who had been the parliamentary president for the last 15 years. Macamo was first deputy speaker of the Assembly in the last parliament. Both are members of the Frelimo Political Commission. First vice president is Lucas Chomera, former minister of state administration. Second vice president is Viana Magalhaes of Renamo.
Head of Frelimo parliamentary group is Margarida Talapa, also a member of the Frelimo Political Commission, and formerly deputy group leader. She replaces Manuel Tome. The new deputy head of the Frelimo group is former defence minister Tobias Dai. The rapporteur of the group is Alcido Nguenha, who was education minister from 2000 to 2004. The Frelimo spokesperson is Damiao Jose.
Angelina Enoque will head the Renamo parliamentary group.
Positions are allocated to parties in proportion to their number of parliamentary seats. Frelimo has 191 seats, Renamo 51, and MDM 8. Under present rules a party must have 11 seats to form a parliamentary group (bench, bancada). MDM has too few members to have a group, so it gains no positions, but it has tabled a motion to change the rules.
The standing commission has 15 members, so that becomes 12 Frelimo and 3 Renamo. There are 8 working commissions, so Frelimo will chair 6 and Renamo 2. A member of the other party is always rapporteur. All commission have 15 members, 12 Frelimo and 3 Renamo.
The Plan and Budget Commission will be chaired by Eneas Comiche, former Finance Minister and former mayor of Maputo, and a member of the Frelimo Political Commission. The Public Administration Commission, which will probably deal with a new electoral law, is chaired by Alfredo Gamito, former Minister of State Administration. The Legal Commission is chaired by Teodoro Waty, formerly speaker of the Maputo City Assembly and a member of the Frelimo Political Commission.
Standing Commission
The members of the Standing Commission are:
Veronica Macamo – President
Lucas Chomera – First Vice President
Margarida Talapa – head of the Frelimo Group
Tobias Dai – deputy head of the Frelimo Group
Manuel Tome – former head of the Frelimo Group
Edson Macuacua – Frelimo Central Committee
Secretary for Mobilisation and Propaganda
Frelimo Political Commission
The Frelimo Political Commission was elected at the party congress in November 2006:
Armando Guebuza (President)
Filipe Paunde (Frelimo General Secretary)
Alberto Chipande (former Defence Minister)
Manuel Tome
Eduardo Mulembwe (former speaker of parliament)
Eneas Comiche (former Finance Minister)
Veronica Macamo (speaker of parliament)
Margarida Talapa (head of Frelimo parliamentary group)
Alcinda Abreu (Environment Minister)
Jose Pacheco (Interior Minister)
Luisa Diogo (former Prime Minister)
Aiuba Cuereneia (Planning & Development Minister)
Conceita Sortane
Raimundo Pachinuapa
Aires Aly (Prime Minister)
Paulina Mateus (General Secretary of the OMM)
Teodoro Waty
Parliaments Permanent (Standing) Commission
Veronica Macamo Ndlovu
Paulina Mateus
Bonifacio Gruveta
Jose Mateus Katupha – parliament spokesman
Joaquim Verissimo
Cidalia Chauque
Jose Chichava
Viana Magalhaes – Second Vice President
Angelina Enoque – head of the Renamo group
Gania Mussagy
Standing Commissions
The chairs and rapporteurs of the eight commissions are:
Constitutional Affairs, Human Rights and
Chair – Teodoro Waty (Frelimo)
Rapporteur – Francisco Machambisse (Renamo)
Plan and Budget
Chair – Eneas Comiche (Frelimo)
Rapporteur – Jose Samo Gudo (Renamo)
Social, Gender and Environmental Affairs
Chair – Telmina Pereira (Frelimo)
Rapporteur – Leopoldo Ernesto (Renamo)
Public Administration, Local Power and Media
Chair – Alfredo Gamito (Frelimo)
Rapporteur – Anselmo Victor (Renamo)
Agriculture, Rural Development, Economic
Activities and Services
Chair – Francisco Mucanheia (Frelimo)
Rapporteur – Luis Gouveia (Renamo)
Defence and Public Order
Chair – Maria Anastacia da Costa Xavier (Renamo)
Rapporteur – Francisco Tomas (Frelimo)
International Affairs
Chair – Maria Ines Martins (Renamo)
Rapporteur – Carlos Siliya (Frelimo)
Chair – Mario Sevene (Frelimo)
Rapporteur – Jose Manteigas (Renamo)
Who is who in the new government
President of Mozambique
Armando Emilio Guebuza, Nampula
Armando Guebuza, born 20 January 1943, in Murrupula, Nampula, where his father, Miguel Guebuza, was a nurse and his mother, Marta Bocota Guebuza was a domestic worker. He began his schooling in Xipamanine, Lourenço Marques (now Maputo), in the Negro Association (Centro Associativo dos Negros da Colônia de Moçambique) in 1949. While at secondary school he joined the African Secondary Students Group (Núcleo dos Estudantes Secundários Africanos, NESAM), which had been founded by Eduardo Mondlane in 1949. In 1963 Guebuza was elected president of NESAM, following Joaquim Chissano in the post. He reached the 7th class of secondary school (liceu)
After being detained by the PIDE secret police for five months, he joined Frelimo in Dar-es-Salaam in 1965. The next year he became personal secretary to Mondlane, again taking over from Chissano, who left for training in the then Soviet Union. Guebuza was also a teacher at the Mozambique Institute in Tanzania.
The coup in Portugal on 25 April 1974 was followed by the Lusaka Accords with Portugal in September, which called for a joint transitional government. Guebuza was named Minister for Internal Administration. With the proclamation of independence on 25 June 1975 he became Interior Minister. In 1978 he was moved to Vice Minister of Defence and governor of Cabo Delgado, then governor of Sofala in 1981. After the death of President Samora Machel in 1986, he became Minister of Transport and Communications.
In 1990 Joaquim Chissano nominated him to be head of the Rome negotiation with Renamo, and after the first multi-party elections he became head of the Frelimo bench in parliament. At the Frelimo 8th Congress he was elected party Secretary General and was elected President in 2004.
Armando Guebuza is married with 4 children.
Prime Minister
Aires Bonifácio Baptista Aly, Niassa
Aires Bonifácio Baptista Aly, was born in Unango administrative post, Sanga district, in the north of Niassa, on 6 December 1956. Until 1966 he attended João Belo primary school in Lourenço Marques (Maputo) and went on to high school at Liceu António Enes, graduating in 1974. In 1990 he gained a degree in educational psychology at the Pedagogic Institute (Instituto Superior Pedagógico, now Universidade Pedagógica).
He began work in Banco Nacional Ultramarino, now Banco de Moçambique, but quickly became a secondary school teacher at the Frelimo Secondary School in Namaacha. In 1976 he was named director of Francisco Manyanga Secondary School while simultaneously serving as Provincial Director of Education and Culture for Maputo. From 1979 to 1986 he was Provincial Director of Education in Nampula. He returned to Maputo in 1986, to work in the Ministry of Education as a Human Resources technician; in 1988 he moved to special education; in 1990 he became head of the minister’s office (chefe de gabinete) and then
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became National Director of Education.
Aly served as governor of Niassa from 1995 to 2000 and then governor of Inhambane until 2005, when he was named Education Minister by Armando Guebuza. At the Frelimo 9th Congress in 2006 he was elected to the party Political Commission, which gave him privileged access to the President.
Aires Aly is married with 4 children. He is Muslim and speaks CiYao, Portuguese e English.
Interior Minister
José Conduna António Pacheco, Sofala
José Pacheco was born on 10 September 1958 in Ampara, Buzi district, Sofala. He went to primary and lower secondary school in Beira and in 1973 moved to Manica where he attended the Regentes Agrícolas school, in 1978 becoming a technician of agricultural engineering. Further studies included Wye College of the University of London (1988), Minnesota (USA, 1992) and Wisconsin (Madison, USA, 1994) where he earned a diploma in technology transfer for rural development.
Always a man with several jobs, he was Zambézia Provincial Director of Agriculture 1981 to 1990 while also being interim director of the Lioma state farm (1982) and holding various other posts. From 1990 to 1994 he was National Director of Rural Development, while studying and holding posts including being on the board of the Cereals Institute. In 1995 he became Vice Minister for Agriculture and in 1999 he moved to be governor of Cabo Delgado. In 2005 he was moved to the difficult post of Interior Minister, and was elected to the Frelimo Political Commission in 2006.
José Pacheco is Christian and speaks CiNdau, CiSena, Portuguese, English and French.
Public Works and Housing Minister
Cadmiel Filiane Muthemba, Gaza
Cadmiel Mutemba was born 20 July 1945 in Chicumbane, Gaza. He has mainly worked within the Frelimo party and is considered one of the people closest to President Aarmando Guebuza.
Ten days before the transitional government took office on 20 September 1974 he was sent to Inhambane as Political Commissar to set up Frelimo party structures, and then moved to Tete for the same task. He took on various party posts in Tete including Director of Support and Control and later provincial first secretary. He was mayor of Tete city and then Tete governor 1987-95. He moved to be secretary of the Central Committee 1995-97 and also served in parliament. He was Fisheries Minister 2000-2009 under both Chissano and Guebuza and has now moved to Public Works and Housing.
Planning and Development Minister
Aiuba Cuereneia, Nampula
Aiuba Cuereneia was born 25 January 1961 in
Lunda, Mossuril district, Nampula. In 1980 he attended the Samora Machel school on the Youth Island in Cuba. He then attended Francisco Manyanga secondary school in Maputo until 1982, and then studied a middle level economics course (técnico médio) at Alberto Cassimo school in 1987. He went on to Universidade Eduardo Mondlane and graduated in management in 1992.
He first entered government in 2000 under Chissano, as Vice Minister of State Administration. Guebuza named him Minister of Planning and Development in 2005, and he was elected to the Frelimo Political Commission at the 9th Congress in 2006. His relationship with Guebuza is considered very close. His wife Flávia Cuereneia is head of the office of the First Lady, Maria da Luz Guebuza. The Cuereneias are known to spend leisure time with Guebuza.
The Cuereneias have 5 children. Aibua Cuereneia is Muslim and speaks Emakua, Spanish, Portuguese, and English.
Health Minister
Paulo Ivo Garrido; Maputo
Professor Dr. Paulo Ivo Albasini Teixeira Garrido was born in the city of Maputo (then Lourenço Marques) on 19 June 1951, and is a surgeon.
As a doctor he started in the Xipamanine health centre in Maputo, and in 1977 became provincial director of health in Manica and director of the central hospital in Beira. He was the first rector (vice chancellor, president) of the private university ISCTEM (Instituto Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia de Moçambique – Mozambican Superior Institute for Science and Technology) from 1996 to 2000. He became Health Minister in 2005. He is known to be a personal friend of President Armando Guebuza.
Finance Minister
Manuel Chang, Maputo
Manuel Chang was born in Gaza on 22 August 1955 but his birth was later registered in Maputo. He studied at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) 1981-85, graduating in economy. He did a masters degree in finance at the University of London, studying through distance education 1989-92.
He was National Director of the Treasury at a time when the government lent significant amounts of money to individuals in the nomenklatura, including a business owned by the now President Armando Guebuza (the loan was paid off in 2008, after details had been published in the government accounts).
Chang was made Vice-Minister of Finance in 2000 under Chissano, and later promoted to minister – reflecting both his competence and his role in earlier loans.
Chang is married with 3 children. He is Christian and speaks Portuguese, English and CiShangane.
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Tourism Minister
Fernando Sumbana, Maputo
Fernando Sumbana Júnior was born in Manhiça, Maputo, on 22 March 1954. He gained an economics degree from Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) in 1981 and did a masters degree in economics in the US in 1988-89. He was National Director of Tourism and has been Tourism Minister since 2000. The Sumbanas have had very close links with the Guebuza family since the colonial era.
Minister for the Presidency (Ministro na
Presidência para Assuntos da Casa Civil)
António Sumbana, Maputo
António Sumbana was born 18 January 1942 in Manhiça and is the brother of Fernando Sumbana. In the diplomatic service for many years, he has been ambassador in Tanzania (plus Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Ruanda, Seychelles, Comoros and Madagascar), then Swaziland, Botswana, and Germany. He was named Minister for the Presidency in 2005.
He is a contemporary of Guebuza and was imprisoned with him by the Portuguese secret police, PIDE/DGS.
António Sumbana is married with 5 children. He speaks CiRonga, SiShangana, Portuguese, and English.
Education Minister
Zeferino Alexandre Martins, Zambézia
Born in 1955 in Mocuba, Zambézia and a teacher by training, Martins has been an education administrator. He was director of the Education Development Institute (Instituto Nacional para o Desenvolvimento do Ensino, INDE) and then national director of primary education (Ensino Básico). He was Vice Minister of Education 1995-1999. He then served as Deputy Secretary General of the Portuguese Language Community (CPLP, Comunidade de Paises de Lingua Portuguesa) from 2000 to 2004. He followed that as head of a project on good governance and public administration for the Dutch government funded Nuffic (Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education). In 2006 Zeferino Martins became executive director of Commission to Reform Technical Education (Comissão Executiva da Reforma de Educação Profissional, COREP).
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Oldemiro Júlio Marques Balói, Maputo
Oldemiro Baloi was born 9 April 1955 in Lourenço Marques (Maputo). He completed secondary school at Liceu António Enes in 1975, and because a mathematics teacher in Namaacha. He received his degree in economics from UEM in 1984 and a masters from the University of London in 1994.
He was a director in trade and industry ministries 1986-89, and then was in the government from 1990 to 1999. He was Vice-Minister for Cooperation 1990-94, a critical period at the end of the war when aid was being increased. He was then made Minister for Tourism and Industry until 1999. He then joined the growing private sector, becoming Executive Director at Millennium BIM (Banco Internacional de Moçambique). He was named Foreign Minister in 2008 after the failed tenure of Political Commission member Alcinda Abreu.
He is married with 2 children. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, and speaks CiRonga, Portuguese and English.
Defence Minister
Filipe Jacinto Nyussi, Cabo Delgado
Filipe Nyussi was born 28 February 1969, in Namaua, Mueda district, Cabo Delagado. In 1974, just before the end of the liberation war, he began his studies in Tunduro (Tanzânia) and then continued at the Frelimo school in Mariri. He did secondary school at the the Samora Machel school in Beira and completed a mechanical engineering degree at Brno Vaaz academy in the then Czechoslovakia in 1990. He did a post-graduate degree at Manchester University (UK) in 1999.
He became executive director of CMF-Norte, the northern railways company, in 1995. He was named Minister of Defence in 2008, replacing Tobias Dai who was blamed for the explosion of the arms store at Malhazine, Maputo.
He is married with 4 children and is a Christian. His name is sometimes spelled Nhussi.
Environment Minister
(Ministra da Coordenação da Acção Ambiental)
Alcinda António de Abreu, Sofala
Alcinda António de Abreu was born 13 October 1953 in Nova Sofala, Buzi district. She finished secondary school at liceu Pêro de Anaia in 1974. In 1982 she received a development studies diploma from UEM and went on to gain a psychology and pedagogy degree from the education university, UP, in 1990, then a certificate in gender planning from University College of London, and in 1996 a diploma in development management from Witswaterand University in Johannesburg.
Abreu did extensive work with the Frelimo youth movement and has a strong party position, but has the distinction of having been dismissed as a minister for under-performance by both Chissano and Guebuza. She was Social Action Minister from 1994 until she was dismissed in 1997, and was then nominated to the National Elections Commission for the 1998 and 1999 elections. She was elected to the Frelimo Political Commission in 2002 and made Foreign Minister by Guebuza, but demoted to Environment in 2008.
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She is the widow of Maradali Mamadhusen, an aide to Samora Machel and killed with him in the plane crash in Mbuzini. Mother of two children, she speaks CiNdau, Portuguese, English and French.
Minister in the Presidency for Social Affairs
Feliciano Gundana, Sofala
The oldest member of the cabinet and one of the few veterans of the liberation war, Feliciano Gundana was born in Inharingue, Machanga district, Sofala, on 15 January 1940. In 1957 he completed the 4th class of primary school. He is one of the founder members of Udenamo, one of the three movements that joined together to create Frelimo (Mozambique Liberation Front, Frente de Libertação de Moçambique), and remains one of the most influential member of Frelimo.
After independence, he was head of military intelligence until 1978. After that, he was successively governor of Inhambane, Nampula and Zambézia. Most recently he was Veterans Minister.
He is married with 3 children. He is a Christian and speaks CiNdau, SiSewali, Portuguese, English and French.
Minerals Minister
Esperança Bias, Nampula
Esperança Bias, was born in Ilha de Moçambique, Nampula, on 28 July 1958, but her family roots are in Inhambane. From 1999 she was Vice Minister of Minerals and Energy before the ministries were split, and 2005 became Minerals Minister. She has an economics degree from Universidade Eduardo Mondlane.
Energy Minister
Salvador Namburete, Inhambane
Salvador Namburete, born 27 December 1957, in the town of Massinga, Inhambane. He graduated from UEM with an economic degree in 1991, gained a masters degree in commerce and international finance from Lancaster University (UK) in 1994, a master in finances from American University (Washington, DC) in 1998, and a diploma in the practical politics of commerce from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, in 2003. Vice Minister of Industry and Trade 2000-2004, he was part of the group of top technocrats taken into government by Joaquim Chissano in his last term. He was named Energy Minister in 2005.
Minister of State Administration
Carmelita Rita Namashulua, Tanzânia
Carmelita Namashulua was born 2 December 1962 in Dar-Es-Salam, Tanzânia, and attended primary school in the Frelimo school in Tanzânia. She attended the Frelimo secondary school in Ribaué. and went on to the Universidade Pedagógica where she received a degree in educational psychology in 1994. In 2005 she was made Vice Minister and has now been promoted to Minister.
She is married with 2 children. She is Christian and speaks CiMakonde, KiSwahili, Portuguese and English.
Science and Technology Minister
Venâncio Massingue, Gaza
Venâncio Simão Massingue ws born on 17 December 1960 in Nwavaquene, Chibuto, Gaza. Massingue gained an honours degree in electrotecnical engineering from UEM in 1992 and a PhD in management and control of information technology from Delft University of Technology in 2003.
Massingue has been a leader in informatics and computing in Mozambique, promoting e-mail and the internet through the university informatics centre (CIUEM - Centro de Informática da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane). In 1997 Massingue was named Vice Rector of UEM for Administration and Resources and then was named minister in 2005.
He is married with 2 children.
Industry and Trade Minister
António Fernando, Inhambane
António Fernando was born 15 March 1963 in Gotite, Morrumbene district, Inhambane. He gained a mechanical engineering degree from UEM in 1987. He was named Vice Minister for Transport and Communication in the last Chissano administration, and was named Industry and Trade Minister in 2005. He is the father of 4 children. A Christian, he speaks CiTwsa, Portuguese and English.
Labour Minister,
Maria Helena Taipo, Nampula
Helena Taipo was born 12 August 1961 in Chuhulo, Malema, Nampula. She gained a degree in education science from the Universidade Católica in Nampula in 2002 and a masters in education planning in 2004. She was Provincial Director of Labour in Nampula when she was the surprise choice for minister in 2005, perhaps partly for regional balance but also reflecting her work in Nampula. She only joined Frelimo in 2005 after being made a minister, and was prevented from standing for the Central Committee at the 9th Congress in 2006 because she had not been a member long enough.
Helena Taipo is a single mother of 3 children. She is Christian and speaks EmaKhua and Portuguese.
Culture Minister
Armando Artur João Maharaule, Zambézia
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Poet Armando Artu was born on 28 December 1962 in Zambézia. His publications include: Espelho dos Dias (1986), O Hábito das Manhãs (1990), Estrangeiros de Nós Próprios (1996), Os Dias em Riste (2002, won the FUNDAC prize), A Quintessência do Ser (2004, won the José Craveirinha national literary prize), No Coração da Noite (2007) and Felizes as Águas as well as textbooks, anthologies and other publications. He is part of the so-called “Charrua generation”, a literary movement of the 1980s. He is a founder member of the Pan-African Writers Association (PAWA) and has been Secretary General of the Mozambican Writers Association. Until now, he has been Vice President of the Fundo Bibliográfico de Língua Portuguesa, where he replaced the poet José Craveirinha after his death. He is an old friend of the “Frelimo poets” (Guebuza, Marcelino dos Santos, Sérgio Viera) who once attended literary evenings at the Mozambican Writers Association.
Ministro da Agricultura
Soares Nhaca, Maputo
Soares Nhaca was born 12 October 1956 in Inhaca, now part of Maputo city. His academic career stopped in the second year of secondary school. He became active in the trade union movement, emergng as leader of the OTM (Organização dos Trabalhadores Moçambique, Mozambican Workers Organisation). He showed his prowess by organising a general strike. Joaquim Chissano’s response was precisely opposite of that of Robert Mugabe in a similar circumstance. Chissano made Nhaca governor of Maputo province and then Manica. Guebuza named him Vice Minister of Labour, but in 2008 promoted him to Agriculture Minister after the two previous agriculture ministers had been dismissed.
Nhaca is married with 3 children. He speaks Portuguese, Citsonga, German and English.
Civil Service Minister
Vitória Dias Diogo, Tete
Vitoria Dias Diogo was born 31 January 1964 in Fingoe, Maravia district, Tete. She finished primary school in Tete in 1973 and went to Maputo where she graduated from Francisco Manyanga secondary school in 1982. She studied Portuguese at UEM and gained a masters in linguistics from Salford University (UK) in 1990. She was permanent secretary of the Tourism Ministry before becoming Civil Service Minister. She is a member of the UN Secretary General's Committee of Experts on Public Administration.
She is married with 2 children. A Christian, she speaks CiNyugue, CiRonga, Portuguese, Spanish and English.
Transport and Communications Minister
Paulo Francisco Zucula, Maputo
Paulo Zucula was born 15 April 1955 in Chobela, Magude district, Maputo province. He attended primary school in Lionde, Chokwé, and finished secondary school in 1974. He gained a degree in agronomy from UEM in 1981 and a masters from the University of Minnesota (USA) in 1999.
Zucula was Vice Minister of Agriculture from 1988 to 1992 but was squeezed out for opposing World Bank policies. He became a Programme Manager for the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and in 2001 became coordinator of the Regional Spatial Development Initiative of the Development Bank of Southern Africa. He returned to Mozambique in 2005 and in 2006 was named as head of the National Disasters Institute (INGC, Instituto Nacional de Gestão de Calamidades) where he was praised for quickly turning around a troubled institution and for his hands on management of flood relief in 2007. In 2008, he was named Minister of Transport and Communication to clean up another mess.
He has two children. He speaks CiShangane, Portuguêse, English and French.
Justice Minister
Maria Benvinda Delfina Levi, Inhambane
The youngest minister (just a month younger the the Defence Minister), Benvida Levi was born 24 March 1969 in Chicuque, near Maxixe, Inhambane. She attended primary and secondary school in Maputo and received a law degree from UEM in 1993. She also did a specialisation with the Commonwealth Judicial Education Institute do Canada. A respected judge and president of the Maputo City Court, and an expert on family law, she was named director of the Judicial Training Centre (Centro de Formação Jurídica e Judiciária) and then in 2008 made Justice Minister.
She is the married with 2 children. A Christian, she speaks Cishagana and Portuguese.
Fisheries Minister
Victor Manuel Borges, Tete,
Victor Borges was born 18 July 1951 in Tete city. He attended primary school in Moatize, secondary school in Beira, and did a technical training course in Maputo. A civil servant, he was named Vice Minister of Fisheries and then Minister. He is married with 5 children. A Christian, he speaks CiNhugué and Portuguese.
Abdul Razak, Maputo
Abdul Razak Noormahomed was born in Lourenço Marques (Maputo) on 6 August 1949. He completed his medical studies at Universidade Lourenço Marques in 1976 and had been a member of the
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anti-fascist Associação Académica. He also did diplomas in Leeds and Liverpool (UK) in 1989. He rose within the Ministry of Health, and became Vice Minister of Health 1994-1999. In 2000 he was named governor of Nampula, and in 2005 Vice Minister of Minerals.
José de Jesus Mateus Pedro Mandra, Niassa
José Mandra was born 28 January 1958, in Lichinga, capital of Niassa. He completed primary school in Niassa in 1969. After independence he first attended a journalism course, then he attended secondary school in Lichinga and then Escola Secundaria Francisco Manyanga where he gradulated in 1991. He received a law degree from UEM in 1997. He rose steadily within the police and was named Vice Minister when Pacheco was made minister in 2005.
Mandra speaks CiYao, CiNyanja and Portuguese.
Alberto Nkutumula, Maputo
At 32 years old, Alberto Nkutumula is the youngest of the Vice Ministers and apparenlty the only one born after independence. He was born in Maputo 25 November 1978 but his family roots are in Tete. A judge trained at UEM, Alberto Nkutumula is the son of a judge, Alberto Santos Nkutumula, who was assassinated with his wife more than 10 years ago – apparently because he was dealing with the case of stolen military aircraft engines. Until his appointment as Vice Minister, he had been writing an internet blog: www., which was quite critical of some aspects of Mozambican society. A civil servant, he had also been teaching law at ISCTEM.
Gabriel Serafim Muthisse, Gaza
Gabriel Muthisse was born in Manjacaze, Gaza, 22 September 1963. He finished primary school in Xai-Xai in 1974. He completed secondary school at Escola Samora Machel in Cuba in 1980 and went on to complete technical training at Cuba’s Instituto Superior de Direccion de la Economia in 1982. He finally did a degree in economy at the University of London in 1997 and a masters in management at De Montfort University (UK) in 2004.
He worked as a credit analyst at the Bank of Mozambique, then as an economist at the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, and in 2005-6 was a programme officer with the World Food Programme. In 2007 he was named Vice Minister in Public Works and Housing and he now moves to Fisheries.
He is married with 5 children, and is a Christian. He speaks Cichopi, CiShagane, Portuguese, Spanish and English.
Pedro Conceição Couto, Nampula
Pedro Couto was born 29 June 1955 in Marrere, Nampula city. He completed secondary school in Nampula and gained a degree in economics in 1982 from UEM, gaining a licenciatura in 1992. In 1995 he received a masters degree in economics from Glasgow University (UK). He has always been an economist, particularly in the Ministry of Industry and Energy, and has taught at the Commercial School and UEM. He was named Vice Minister of Finance in 2005. His brother is now rector of UEM.
Couto is married with 2 children. He speaks Emakhuwa, KiSwahili, Portugese, and English.
Jaime Himede, Zambézia
Jaime Himede was born in Pebane, Zambézia, 26 January 1956. He became a primary school teacher in Pebane in 1974 and became district director of education in Gilé, then Namacurra from 1978 to 1987, and then in training posts becoming head of the teacher training centre in Ncoadala 1995-99. He only gained his basic education degree from Universidade Pedagógica in Nampula in 2004. He then became First Secretary for Frelimo in Zambézia, and was named Vice Minister of Energy in 2007.
He is a Christian married with 6 children.
Planning and development
Maria José Lucas, Maputo
Maria Lucas was born 10 April 1961 in Lourenço Marques (Maputo). She graduated from the Commerical School in Maputo and gained an economics degree from UEM in 1993 and a diploma in finance from the University of London the next year. One of many Mozambicans who studied while working, she was head of the department for coordinating companies in the secretariat of state for tourism from 1986 to 1991, and was head of the department of administration and finance in the commerce ministry from 1991 to 1995. She became Vice Minister for Civil Service and now shifts to planning.
Maria Lucas is married with 3 children. She speaks CiChopi, CiShangane, CiRonga, Portuguese and English.
Foreign and cooperation
Henrique Alberto Banze, Inhambane
Henrique Banze was born in Lourenço Marques (Maputo) on 25 October 1956. He did his basic studies in the colonial era in Lourenço Marques and graduated from the Maputo Commercial School in 1976. In 1979 he was trained as pilot and became commander of the air squadrons based at Nacala and Beira in 1980. He stayed in the military and then
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earned a degree in military science in 1991 at the Air Force Engineering Institute in Kiev in the former USSR. In 1992 he qualified as a commercial pilot.
Banze is Christian and married with 3 children. He speaks CiRonga, Russian, English and Portuguese.
Foreign and cooperation
Eduardo José Baciao Koloma, Zambézia
Eduardo Koloma is the oldest of the ministers and vice ministers. He was born 2 February 1936 in the village of Nauela, Alto-Molócue, Zambézia. He finished primary school at the mission in Nauela in 1951; secondary school at the Seminary in Zóbuè in 1958; and then six years studying philosophy and theology at the Higher Seminary in Namaacha.
Koloma participated in the armed struggle and worked with Armando Guebuza at the Mozambique Institute. After independence, he went to Karl Marx University in Leipzig, Germany, where he received a masters degree and then a doctorate in law in 1981. He returned to Mozambique to work with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He served on the United Nations General Assembly Sixth Commission (legal affairs) and was high commissioner (ambassador) in Britain.
He is married with 4 children, and is Christian. He speaks Lómue, KiSwahili, Portuguese, French and German.
Agostinho Salvador Mondlane, Maputo
Agostinho Mondlane was born in Lourenço Marques (Maputo) 21 November 1959. He graduated from the Commercial Institute in 1979 and received a management degree from UEM in 1989, followed by a post-graduate diploma in management in 1994 from the University of London. From 1990 to 1994 he was Vice Minister of Public Works and has been Vice Minister of Defence since 2004. The father of 3 children, he speaks CiShangane, Portuguese and English.
Ana Paulo Samo Gudo Chichava, Inhambane
Ana Paula Chichava was born 26 November 1956 in Chacame, Inharrime, Inhambane. She completed secondary school in 1976, and then graduated from the Commercial Institute in 1987. She received a degree from the University of Wales (UK) in 1986 and a masters degree from Swansea University (UK) in 1998. She was head of training and then head of organisation at the Foreign Ministry, then moved to the Ministry of State Administration. She was permanent secretary at the Public Works and Housing Ministry 2000 to 2005, when she became Vice Minister of Environment.
She is married with 2 children and is a Christian. She speaks CiChopi, CiRonga, CiShangane, English and Portuguese.
Civil Service
Adurremane Lino de Almeida, Nampula
Adurremano de Almeida was born 25 July 1958 in Monapo, Nampula. He ompleted primary school in Nacala in 1970 and the Commercial and Industrial School in Nampula in 1976. Almeida gained a law degree from UEM in 1990 and did post-graduate studies in management in 1994. He was permanent secretary in the Ministry of Justice from 2000 to 2005 and the Ministry of Public Works and Housing in 2006, and then was named Vice Minister.
The father of 4 children, he is divorced. A Muslim, he speaks Emakhuwa, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
Youth and Sport
Carlos José Castro de Sousa, Maputo
Castro de Sousa (known as Dr Cazé), was born 4 May 1952 in Lourenço Marques (Maputo) and studied there and in Inhambane, graduating from secondary school in 1969. He trained as a doctor at UEM, graduating in 1978. He then worked in general and sport medicine for the military and the presidential guard (Casa Militar), and remained in military and security until he was named vice minister in the first Guebuza administration.
He is married with 2 children, and speaks Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.
Rosário Mualeia, Nampula
Rosário Mualeia was born 10 July 1954 in Muite, Mecuburi district, Nampula. After primary school in Namapa, he completed secondary school in Nampula 1975. He completed the Industrial Institute in 1982 and worked as a civil engineer for Mozambique railways (Caminhos de Ferro), going on for further training at French Railways (SNCF) in 1994 and gained a certificate in management from the Lisbon Open University (Universidade Aberta de Lisboa) in 2004. He was governor of Nampula 1995 to 2000 and Gaza 2000 to 2005. He is Christian, and married with 6 children.
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Mozambique Political
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Why does Trump want to take over Gaza and could he do it?
The president's vision for a Gaza under US control could upend the future
of Middle East relations.
46 minutes ago
1 comment:
Another excellent piece of objective journalism from Manuel. Well researched with information that can't be found elsewhere.
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