Decorre de 3 a 6 de Fevereiro, em Sussex, Reino Unido, uma conferencia sobre 'Os Principais Desafios para Africa no Ano 2010. A conferencia que reune especialistas de varios paises do mundo, pretende passar em revista aquilo que serao os principais desafios do continente africano em 2010, os progressos alcancados desde a criacao da Comissao para Africa, as metas apresentags na Cimeira dos G8 de Gleneagles, ate a data final estabelecida pelos Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio, accoes urgentes para o continente africano, que prioridades mudaram durante este periodo e quais as actuais prioridades face a crise economica mundial e as mudancas climaticas.
A conferencia patrocinada pelo Departmento para o Desenvolvimento International, pelo Ministerio dos Negocios Estrangeiros da Gra-Bretanha, pela empresa farmaceutica GlaxoSmithKline e a Rockefeller Foundation, conta com a presenca de entre outros, Myles WICKSTEAD, antigo drector da Comissao para Africa, Jackie Cilliers do Instituto para Sul Africano para Estudos de Seguranca, Adebayo Adedji do Mecanismo Africano para os Pares, Moeletsi Mbeki, do Instituto Sul-Africano para Relacoes Internacionais, Leonardo Simao, antigo Ministro dos Negocios Estrangeiros de Mocambique, Agostinho Zacarias, representante do PNUD na Africa do Sul, Andrew Mitchel, Ministro Sombra para o Desenvolvimento Internacional, Andrew Witty da multinacional farmaceutica GlaxoSmithKline, Anna TIBAIJUKA, Commissaria e Directora Executiva da UN-Habitat, Nairobi dentre outros. O antigo Primeiro Ministro Britanico, Tony Blair fara uma apresetacao via satelite.
Wednesday 3 - Saturday 6 February 2010
Sponsored by
Department for International Development
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Rockefeller Foundation
2010 is a vital year for Africa. This conference will bring together a group of key decision-makers and experts in an agenda-setting event. Members of the Commission for Africa, African politicians and decision-makers will be invited to sit together and formulate the way forward towards 2015. International institutions and networks, inter-governmental organisations, government and civil society will be present.
The timing is deliberate. The conference will take place immediately after the African Union summit and the World Economic Forum (Davos). It is scheduled to hear "hot-off-the-press" thinking from the Africa Progress Panel. It will enable speakers and participants to clarify their ideas and to feed into the policy discussions for the Canada G8 and G20 meetings in June and prepare input for the UN's Review Conference on the Millennium Development Goals (Millennium +10).
Tony Blair, Prime Minister (1997-2007) who was responsible for the Commission for Africa initiative which reported to the 2005 Gleneagles (UK) G8 meeting, will provide a recorded video message for the conference.
Over 80 participants, including many from Africa will attend the conference, including:
• Senior politicians, civil servants and policymakers from African countries and Britain
• Representatives of international organisations
• Independent experts on Africa policy
• Non-governmental organisations
• Private sector/business representatives.
Confirmed speakers (in alphabetical order) include:
Professor Adebayo Adedeji, Chairperson of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), Panel of Eminent Persons
Ahmed Haggag, Secretary-General of the African Society, Egypt
William Kalema, Chairman of the Uganda Investment Authority
Michael Keating, Director of the Africa Progress Panel Secretariat
Leonardo Santos Simao, Former Foreign Minister, Mozambique
Moeletsi Mbeki, Deputy Chairperson, South African Institute of International Affairs
Susan Page, Bureau of African Affairs, US State Department
Antoinette Sayeh, the Head of the Africa Department at the International Monetary Fund at Washington
Anna Tibaijuka, Executive Director of UN-Habitat in Nairobi
Richard Tolbert, Chair, National Investment Commission of Liberia
Andrew Witty, Chief Executive Officer, GlaxoSmithKline
Objectives of conference: The conference is essentially to help set the agenda for 'Africa 2010', in particular the G8/G20 Summits in Canada at the end of June 2010 and the UN 'Millennium plus 10' Summit in New York in September 2010. 2000 saw agreement on the Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); 2005 saw a strong focus on Africa with the Commission for Africa and the Gleneagles Summit; and 2015 is the year by which the MDGs must be met. 2010 thus provides a crucial staging post along the road, and specifically an opportunity to examine the progress which has or has not been made; the commitments which have or have not been fulfilled; a forum in which to look at new challenges and opportunities; and an occasion on which to consider what needs to be done, when and by whom in 2010. The organising principle of the Conference is the logic of the Commission for Africa Report, and specifically the inter-relationship between themes such as governance, peace and security; the development of health systems; economic growth, the role of the private sector and trade; and the role of development assistance.
Community divided over fate of Grenfell Tower
Angela Rayner says the tower block will be dismantled - an announcement
which has had a mixed reaction.
3 hours ago
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