Friday 22 August 2008


We, the National Leadership of the Zimbabwe Christian Alliance consisting of the Provincial Hub Leaders and Steering Committee members held a consultation in Bulawayo on 11 July, 2008 on the worsening crisis in Zimbabwe and the way forward. We heard harrowing reports of state sponsored violence, intimidation, beatings, abductions and killings of suspected opposition party supporters. After prayer and discussions the Christian Alliance came to the following conclusion:

1. That the 27th June 2008 Presidential Run Off was not free and fair as stated by the SADC, Pan African Parliament and African Union observer teams. We, therefore, do not recognize that election and its outcome as legitimate. We believe that a legitimate President of Zimbabwe can only come out of a free and fair election and reflecting the true wishes of the people of Zimbabwe.

2. In order for the process of negotiation to produce acceptable outcome it must be inclusive, consultative and transparent. Such dialogue must involve the different sectors of Zimbabwe.

3. We, express our cautious optimism about the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the negotiating political parties. It is our prayer that urgent steps will be taken to ensure that this is translated to tangible change on the environment; we pray that all parties will negotiate in good faith for the sake of the people of Zimbabwe who have suffered enough.

4. Zimbabwe has over 5 million suffering people who need relief aid. We are dismayed by the government ban on NGOs from distributing food and medicines to the needy. We call upon the government to lift this ban if it has any feelings left for the suffering people of Zimbabwe.

5. We believe that a government of National Unity formed by sharing political posts among political parties will not solve the problem. We believe that there should, coming out of the dialogue process, a Transitional Authority made up of political parties and other stakeholders.

6. The Transitional Authority’s mandate should be to facilitate a new people driven constitution leading to a free and fair elections in the shortest possible time.

7. To facilitate a national healing process that will bring reconciliation and create a platform for restorative justice

1 comment:

Anastácio Soberbo said...

Hello, I like this blog.
Sorry not write more, but my English is not good.
A hug from Portugal