Wednesday 13 August 2008

Reino Unido: Dividas Estudantis!

Student debt 'could top £17,500'

Student fees have massively increased student debt
Students who started university in the UK last year can expect to owe more than £17,500 by the time they leave, according to an annual poll on debt.
The Push survey of 2,000 students also suggests that the average debt tops £4,500 for each year of study - nearly 10% more than last year.
The rise suggests students are being badly hit by the credit crunch.
Another poll of 3,385 students for the National Union of Students found many under-estimated their living costs.
According to the NUS survey of 3,135 current students and 250 would-be students, they spent £710 a year on groceries when they expected to spend £510.
For more details please click here

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